101 Sweet Daughter Quotes for Little Angels from Mother


A daughter strengthens the family’s bonds and makes this Earth a more beautiful and colorful place. The beauty and importance of daughters have been reflected in many sweet daughter quotes.

A daughter holds the strongest power in the world. She turns a man into the Father and a woman into the Mother. She is the smallest, sweetest thing that needs love and protection, and gives her parents reason to challenge the life.

These lovely quotes for daughters will also warm our hearts with loving and caring words of parents for their little angel girls.

Sweet Daughter Quotes

“Do not forget to tell your daughters God made them beautiful.” – Habeeb Akande

Sweet Daughter Quotes.
Sweet Daughter Quotes.

Every little girl is the gift from God to her mother and father. In her parents’ mind, she is the most perfect creation of Nature, with a beautiful smile and angelic face.

She will always be the prettiest and smallest girl – the gift that her parents treasure and be thankful for.

“A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.”

Sweet Daughter Quote Image.
Sweet Daughter Quote Image.

There is a magic in daughters’ existence. It can lighten even the darkest nights and heal even the most miserable hearts. To the parents, their daughter makes them feel more love for life and expectation for the future. And a world of more love is the world of more light and warmth.

“Good daughters make good mothers.” – Abigail G. Whittlesey

Good Daughter Quotes.
Good Daughter Quotes.

A daughter adds meaning to her mother’s life and makes her a better person. A mother and a daughter have such an inexplicably powerful bond that they are stronger together.

They form the best friendship, encouraging each other to strive through obstacles and live their best life.

“A daughter will follow in her mom’s footsteps so make sure to set a good example.” – Elizabeth George.

Sweet Daughter Quotes from Mom.
Sweet Daughter Quotes from Mom.

The daughter considers her mother the image of an ideal woman. She takes the lesson and will be likely to follow the mother’s path.

These daughter quotes remind the mothers how greatly they can affect their daughters’ future. A mother should turn herself into a living example, teaching her little girl how to live a good life.

“A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous…full of beauty and forever beautiful…loving and caring and truly amazing.” – Deanna Beisser.

Beauty Daughter Quotes.
Beauty Daughter Quotes.

Daughter quotes usually show the parents’ praise for their daughters. To them, a daughter is a magical existence, full of beauty and good deeds in life.

Parents see in their daughters a reflection of their dreams and hope. They are not hesitant to express their love and encouraging words to their little girls.

Further Reading: Son quotes from mother.

My Daughter Quotes

“Daughter are angels sent from above to fill our heart with unending love.” – J. Lee.

Daughter Quotes with Image.
Daughter Quotes with Image.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. When mothers and fathers look at their daughters, they see angels flying from heaven. Just the daughters’ existence moves them to tears and fills their hearts with love.

The love of the parents to their daughter is unconditional and limitless. That love is also a God-gift to brighten this world.

“My daughter is my passion and my life.” – Tamara Mellon‘s daughter quotes.

My Daughter Quotes with Image.
My Daughter Quotes with Image.

A daughter is the softest spot in her parents’ hearts. Since the moment she was born, she has become her parents’ life and hope.

She is the center of her parent’s attention, which can bring satisfaction to them just by living safely and happily.

“Raising a daughter is like growing a flower. You give it your best. If you’ve done your job well, she blooms. And after that, she leaves.”

Love Daughter Quotes with Image.
Love Daughter Quotes with Image.

Some daughter quotes are hurtful, but they will tell you the truth. Raising a daughter is not an easy task. It needs a big love and continuous care.

Mothers and fathers may sacrifice all their lives to give their daughters the best future. They do not ask for a return, as they are well aware that the girls will grow up and walk away on their own paths.

“A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.”

Daughter Quotes with sweet Image.
Daughter Quotes with sweet Image.

A daughter is not only a baby who always needs protection – to her parents, she is also a friend. The daughter can listen and understand her mother’s problems and comfort her father’s pains. Her existence teaches her parents how to live with more strength and love.

“Every moment I have had with my daughter is precious.” – Cathy Shaffer.

My Daughter Quotes with love.
My Daughter Quotes with love.

Every moment of the parents with their daughter is the bright spot during their lifetime. These moments are when they can let go of any fear and disappointment. These moments are when they feel love, joy, and happiness.

Family time is precious in the way it adds meaning to life and pulls us closer together. And it empowers us to face with any rivals and difficulties.

Daughter quotes with beautiful images

“What the daughter does, the mother did.” – Jewish Proverb.

Daughter Quotes from Mother 1.
Daughter Quotes from Mother.

“A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.” – Laurel Atherton.

Daughter Quotes from Mother 2.

“A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.”

Daughter Quotes from Mother 3.

“Daughters can sometimes be too serious, teach them to laugh and not take life too seriously.” – Catherine Pulsifer.

Daughter Quotes from Mother 4.

“Do you know how lucky you are to have a daughter who loves you so much?” – Ingrid Ricks‘s quote about daughter.

Daughter Quotes from Mother 5.

Meaningful Daughter Quotes from Mother

Reading these mother-daughter quotes can really be heartwarming, for both mom and daughter. Try it with your mom/daughter and see how well it goes.

“A mother and a daughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts.”

Mother and Daughter Quotes.
Mother and Daughter Quotes.

There is not a proper explanation for the power of mothers and daughters’ relationships.

They are so connected that it gives the impression that they are born to love each other. It is love at first sight and a love for a lifetime.

“A mother and a daughter have one soul for two, which can’t be broken by time, obstacles, distance and insults.”

Mother Daughter Quotes.
Mother Daughter Quotes.

The understanding between mothers and daughters is so magical that they seem to share the same thoughts and spirits.

They seem to share the same soul. The soul is full of love and dreams for life, and too powerful to be broken by any outer force.

A daughter is the biggest treasure for a mother and the mother is the biggest pride for a daughter.”

Meaningful Daughter Quotes from Mother.
Meaningful Daughter Quotes from Mother.

To a mother, her girl is a present from God and the treasure she will protect with all she has.

To a daughter, her mom is the image of beauty, kindness and greatness of life.

Mom and daughters can see the best from each other and make their life full of gratitude and love.

“Mothers and daughters together are a powerful force to be reckoned with.”

Mothers Daughters Quote.
Mothers Daughters Quote.

Mothers and her daughters form an ideal and powerful combination. They share grief and happiness.

They deal with life and fight for their beliefs; and they encourage each other to overcome failure and sadness. Together, they are invincible.

“A daughter makes a mother’s life brighter and the mother makes daughter’s life warmer.”

Meaningful Mother Daughter Quotes.
Meaningful Mother Daughter Quotes.

The existence of a daughter lights up her mother’s life with happiness and pride.

The love of a mother gives the warmest and dearest home to her little girl.

Their bond enriches this world with ultimate beauty and the eternal meaning of life.

“A daughter is not only a child, a part of a mother, she is a lifelong friend and the closest person ever.”

Cute Mother Daughter Quotes.
Cute Mother Daughter Quotes.

A daughter means the world to her mother. She is not only her mom’s precious baby, she is also her mom’s trustworthy friend.

The mother does not only see the future and pride in her little girl but also finds a warm and safe place for her soft heart.

“The only love between a mother and a daughter can’t be changed and only this love has no limits. It grows with every single day and never fades.”

Lovely Quote about Mother and Daughter.
Lovely Quote about Mother and Daughter.

It is not an exaggeration to say that mothers’ and daughters’ love is the most powerful thing in the world.

That love is invaluable and unbeatable. Challenges in life cannot weaken it. In contrast, with every day passing by, it grows stronger.

“A woman may be weak until she is a mother of a wonderful girl, who remains her eternal friend.”

Strong Mother Daughter Quotes.
Strong Mother Daughter Quotes.

The most inspiring transformation in the world is when a woman becomes a mom. In her daughter’s eyes, she sees a new world and in her daughter’s smile, she finds courage.

The daughter becomes a crucial part of her life that she wants to protect forever.

“The woman who is my best friend, my teacher, my everything: Mom.” – Sandra Vischer

Mother Daughter Quote.
Mother and Daughter quotes.

To a daughter, her mother is the greatest woman in her life. The mother teaches her how to cope with difficulties.

The mother stays there by her side forever. And whenever the girl feels lonely and lost, she can always go back and know she still has everything. She still has her mom.

“A daughter will always be the closest person in the world for her mother because only she saw the heart of her mother from the inside.”

Lovely Mother and Daughter Quotes.
Lovely Mother and Daughter Quotes.

The relationship between mothers and daughters can only be fully understood by themselves. No one else knows why mothers love their daughters regardless of their age, failure, or success.

No one else knows why daughters always find their way back to the mothers’ arms despite time and distance. They have the closest hearts to each other.

Lovely quotes from Mother for Daughters

Mothers and daughters share a profound and indescribable relationship. The bond of a woman and her little girl is created from her unconditional love and boundless sacrifice.

The mother’s caring and understanding help to build a genuine trust between her and the daughter.

It is such a strong connection that hardly one thing in this world can compare. It is such a pure and beautiful love that has been praised in many mother daughter quotes.

With their meaningful and heartwarming words, these quotes can melt your heart and heal your soul.

Mother and daughter got on very well indeed, with a deep affection founded on almost complete misunderstanding.

Quote about Mother Daughter.
Quote about Mother Daughter.

“A daughter’s treasure is her mother, a mother’s sense of life is her daughter.”

Treasure Mother Daughter Quotes.
Treasure Mother Daughter Quotes.

“A mother is a daughter’s best friend.”

Mother Daughter Quotes.
Mother Daughter Quotes.

“By the time you realize your mother was right, you have a daughter who thinks that you’re wrong” – Sada Malhotra

Funny Mother Daughter Quotes.
Funny Mother Daughter Quotes.

“A mother’s treasure is her daughter.”

Daughter Mother Quotes.
Daughter Mother Quotes.

“I loved my mother too,’ I said. ‘I still do. That’s the thing – it never goes away, even if the person does.” – Anna Carey

Mother Love Daughter Quotes.
Mother Love Daughter Quotes.
  • “Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.” – The lovely Mother Daughter Quotes.
  • “I enjoy my life with my daughter. She is one of my favorite people on this planet.” – Colleen O’Grady
  • “Mom, you are the best mother in this world. When you are with me, I feel stronger and capable of everything. Thank you for being my muse, my support, and my best friend.”
  • “A mother teaches her daughter how to feel about herself, about handling pressure, about relishing life’s joys and conquering fears.” – Melissa Harrison

“Thank you for taking me with you on a beautiful journey, called motherhood. This life period makes me extremely happy.”

Mother and Daughter Quote.
Mother and Daughter Quote.
  • “I thank God every day for having such a remarkable daughter. I know that you are the brightest chapter in my book of life.”
  • “The lives of a mother and a daughter are connected. A mother is the daughter’s spine, she always supports her, and a daughter is the mother’s blood, which makes her strong.”
  • “My daughter, while we have had adversity, we also have had more sweet memories that allow us to overcome the challenges we faced.” – Ann Butler
  • “My dear daughter, you motivate me to be the best mother for you because I want all the best for my sweet girl.”

“The love between a mother and daughter is FOREVER.”

Mother and Daughter Quotes
  • “I am not a perfect mother and I will never be. You are not a perfect daughter and you will never be. But put us together and we will be the best mother and daughter we would ever be.” – Zoraida Pesante
  • “By the time a mother realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter, who thinks that she is wrong.”
  • “A loving and careful mother both recognizes and even protects her daughter’s autonomy and also helps her dance out confidently on to a wider stage.” – Rachel Billington
  • “I never thought I would say this but raising a daughter is different than raising a son. But the one thing that is not different is my love for each of them.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Many people may be replaced in daughter’s life, but nobody can take the mother’s place.”

Quote on Mother Daughter.
Quote on Mother Daughter.
  • “As a child, I was very careful not to erase my mother’s writing on the chalkboard because I would miss her.” – Joyce Rachelle
  • “I got almost eighteen years with you. The best eighteen years of my life.” – Kristen Simmons
  • “Mommy, thank you for working so hard to make me a good person and a loving daughter. I hope I will be a wise mother to my children as you are to me.”
  • “I am proud of many things in life, but my greatest pride is to realize that I am worthy to be the daughter of the most beautiful mother in the world!”

You may also like these quotes for Daughters from mom

  • “A daughter is a treasure- and a cause of sleeplessness.” – Ben Sirach.
  • “Daughters are never of so much consequence to a father.” – Jane Austen.
  • “If daughters couldn’t soften a man, then nothing would.” – Linda Weaver Clarke.
  • “If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be – enthusiasm.” – Bruce Barton.
  • “One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever gotten is my daughter.” – Ace Frehley.
  • “Like a detective keenly searching for clues, our daughters are solving the mystery of womanhood itself.” – Melia Keeton-Digby.
  • It is a known fact that every man’s heart is set on having a daughter. – Françoise Sagan.
  • Daughters understand as they grow older, they become good friends. – Catherine Pulsifer.
  • A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.
  • Every mother hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she did, and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as his father did. – Martin Andersen-Nexo.

“Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away.” – Heather Gudenkauf

Mom and Daughter Quote.
Mom and Daughter Quote.
  • A daughter’s need for her mother is biologic, and it continues throughout her life. – Christiane Northrup.
  • I enjoy my life with my daughter. She is one of my favorite people on this planet. – Colleen O’Grady.
  • We honor both the mothers whose shoulders we’ve stood on and the daughters who will one day stand tall on ours. – Oprah Winfrey.
  • I have a daughter and she’s the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons. – Mike Dirnt.
  • I have the most beautiful daughter in the world and I’m grateful for her. – Bethenny Frankel.
  • We gotta start teaching our daughters to be somebodies instead of somebody’s. – Kifah Shah.
  • We laugh, we cry, we make time fly. The bond between us will never fall apart. As is the mother, so is her daughter. –  Ezekiel.
  • I missed my one true friend, my mother. She and I were close in a way I don’t think many other mothers and daughters were. – Kaitlyn Greenidge.
  • We must teach our girls that if they speak their mind, they can create the world they want to see. – Robyn Silverman.
  • I hope someday she meets just the right man and has babies – a whole passel of babies, more than I could have – so she understands how it kills me now that she won’t let me hug her when she’s in obvious distress. – Kristina Riggle.
  • My daughter is my greatest inspiration. – Whitney Houston.
  • A mother teaches her daughter how to feel about herself, about handling pressure, about relishing life’s joys and conquering fears. – Melissa Harrison, Mother to Daughter.
  • Good daughters are fortunate lamps, brightening the family’s name. Wicked daughters are firebrands, blackening the family’s fame. – Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.
  • A mother’s treasure is her daughter. – Catherine Pulsifer.
  • A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life. – Irish Saying.

Daughters are the most beautiful and magical creations in their parents’ life. A daughter brightens and softens her mother and father’s hearts.

She adds color, sound, and beauty to make this Earth a better place. The parents love their daughters with all their life and are willing to sacrifice for their happiness.

Their connections and feelings towards each other are so magical that they should always be remembered and celebrated. These beautiful daughter quotes provide a means for us to show this love, either daily or on special occasions.

They can also reinforce mutual understanding between the parents and their daughters, and strengthen the family’s relationships.