Meaningful Moon Quotes and Sayings for Romantic People


No matter how hard you try, the moon will never fail to dazzle you. We have got a beautiful collection of Moon quotes for all the selenophiles who cannot help but be crazily attracted towards the royal beauty that the moon is.

The moon always shines bright and bold, inspiring you to face all the obstacles with a fierce and fiery attitude. Although we usually think that nights are synonymous with darkness and gloominess, the moon teaches us to spread radiance in the dull gray night sky.

Time and again, many great poets, musicians, and writers have taken the moon as their muse and crafted excellent ways to express the glory of the moon.

You might find one or two romantic moon quotes down below that would strike a chord with you and your beloved’s love story. So, keep on reading and wonder about the beautiful natural satellite, the moon.

Best moon quotes with beautiful images

  • “The moon shines full on the full of the moon.” – Anthony T. Hinks.
  • “The moon is the reflection of your heart and moonlight is the twinkle of your love.” – Debasish Mridha.
  • “It is a beautiful and delightful sight to behold the body of the Moon.” – Galileo Galilei.
  • “The moon is the queen of everything. She rules the oceans, rivers, rain. When I am asked whose tears these are; I always blame the moon.” – Lucille Clifton.
  • “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” – J.R.R. Tolkien’s short quote about the moon.
  • “When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

“The Moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars.” – Arthur C. Clarke

Moon quotes.
Moon quotes.

Magic is found in the most improbable places. The stars in the sky magically call you out to grasp them in a sweep. The moon is way nearer to us in comparison to the stars. Hence, it proves to be a beautiful milestone while you embark on your journey towards the stars.

Moreover, the vivacious moon helps you establish a strong connection with the marvelously sparkling stars. Figuratively, all starry wonderful experiences begin when you achieve something huge like the moon.

“Don’t worry if you’re making waves just by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.” – Scott Stabile

Meaningful Moon quote.
Meaningful Moon quote.

The moon and its phases cause the tides to flow high or low, without even doing something extraordinary. Similarly, sometimes our usual actions might cause a storm in the lives of people who are connected to us. You will surely be criticized for expressing your true self. But your uniqueness is what makes you stand out.

Indeed, harsh criticism should never be a barrier that stops you from following your passion and excelling while being at it.

This moon quote reminds me of the sayings in the article Be kind to your self quotes.

“With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon who could not be happy?” – Oscar Wilde

Happy with Moon.
Happy with Moon.

This classic Oscar Wilde quote gives us hope to find happiness even in the most ordinary trends. Nowadays, being “happy” has lost its charm. You might get fascinated by big cars and expensive gadgets and think that you’re happy when you’re truly empty and sad from the inside.

Surely, happiness lies everywhere, especially in the little things such as a bouquet, a good book, or the beautiful serene moon. The fulfillment that you get here, is second to none.

“Oh, don’t let’s ask for the moon. We’ve already got the stars.” – Bette Davis

Short moon quotes.
Short moon quotes.

We may harbor a desire for multiple stuff in our life. As we achieve some of them, our desires continue to rise. So, it becomes very important to wrap your head around all that you have got and establish satisfaction in the now.

It is appreciable to strive for the moon, but let’s not forget to celebrate the wonderful stars that you already have in your realm. Work for a better tomorrow but don’t miss the joy of the beautiful present.

Romantic moon love quotes

  • “I want to be in love with you the same way I am in love with the moon with the light shining out of its soul.” – Sanober Khan
  • “The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love.” -​ Jeffrey Fry, Distilled Thoughts.
  • “She and the moon could always be found playing in the darkness.” – A.J. Lawless
  • “Do not swear by the moon, for she changes constantly. then your love would also change.” – William Shakespeare quote from Romeo and Juliet.
  • “The journey of the sun and moon is predictable, but yours is your ultimate art.” -​ Suzy Kassem
  • “The moon in all her immaculate purity hung in the sky, laughing at this world of dust. She congratulated me for my carefully considered maneuvers and invited me to share in her eternal solitude.” -​ Shan Sa, Empress.

“Always remember we are under the same sky, looking at the same moon.” – Romantic moon quote from Maxine Lee.

Romantic Moon quotes.
Romantic Moon quotes.

Long-distance can be painful for folks in love. Sometimes, all you want to do is erase whatever distance exists between you two lovers. Although you are miles apart from your beloved right now, you will still be sharing the same sky.

No matter the physical distance between you both, you’ll still feel deeply connected. The illumination from the moon is a reminder that you both can never be too far apart that you cannot connect under the starry skies.

  • The beautiful moon is an antidepressant. Love for her light is in every heart because she is so friendly, loving and forgiving.” – Debasish Mridha MD
  • “The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.” – Shannon L. Alder
  • “During the day the Sun causes wounds. And in the night the Moon heals the wounds. The mountain waits all day for the night when his moon will be finally bright.” – Suyasha Subedi
  • “You are the sun. You bring warmth, laughter, and joy – but he is the moon. He draws me into a world of mystery that I have never known.” – Meredith T. Taylor
  • “I can feel the moon’s love for the earth in my soul when its magical silent silvery light touches my heart.” – Debasish Mridha MD
  • “Be like the moon in someone’s sky and show her the way of life with your loving silvery lights during the darkness.” – Debasish Mridha MD
  • “We may look at the same moon, but our hearts sing different songs depending on our inner emotions and perceptions.” – Debasish Mridha MD
  • “The wisdom of the Moon is greater than the wisdom of the Earth because the Moon sees the universe better than the Earth can see it.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan.

“I always look up at the moon and see it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos.” – Tom Hanks.

Romantic moon love quotes
Romantic moon love quotes.

It is obvious to look up to the beautiful night sky and wonder how it would feel amongst the stars. Generally, we put romance just next to being real with the extremely close person to us. Your intimacy with your loved ones becomes more memorable in the vicinity of cozy moonlit scenery.

Furthermore, you can also use this moon quote so that they never forget the precious moments that you both spent together under the moon.

Keep reading: Good Night Quotes For Him with romatic messages.

Meaningful moon quotes

  • “Drag me to the moon, to catch a star and seize its brilliance as I’m swept up in amorphous dust.” – Bradley Chicho.
  • “I’m as old as the moon and the stars, and as young as the trees and the lakes.” – Afrika Bambaataa.
  • “Don’t even try to talk to me when I’m watching the moon. That’s my moon, baby.” – Wendelin Van Draanen.
  • “When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land, but from the solar system.” – Kalpana Chawla.
  • “Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that looks down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other.” – Sojourner Truth.
  • “I love to think that animals and humans and plants and fishes and trees and stars and the moon are all connected.” – Gloria Vanderbilt.
  • “The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” – Deng Ming-Dao.

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.” – Les Brown

Meaningful moon quotes
Meaningful moon quotes.

This ethereal moon quote offers inspiration for people who are preparing to take leaps in their lives. Dream big and believe in yourself because even if you miss your goal, you’ll reach somewhere better than where you started.

Moreover, your hands won’t be empty. You’ll still be receiving an abundance of experience and many great things in your quest. Who knows, you might even discover something better. Not to forget, the happiness you’ll get after trying to fulfill your passion.

  • “Everyone becomes happy and appreciates the moon in their own special way. Children watch their shadows and play in its light, people gather at the square to tell stories and dance through the night. A lot of happy things happen when the moon shines.” – Ishmael Beah
  • “This is what I’m talking about: the bewitching power of moonlight. Moonlight incites dark passions like a cold flame, making hearts burning with the intensity of phosphorus.” – Rampo Edogawa
  • “With the light all around us, we felt secret in that moon–infused water like pearls forming in the soft tissues of oysters.” – Pat Conroy
  • “We love the night and its quiet, and there is no night that we love so well as that on which the moon is coffined in clouds.” -​ Fitz-James O’Brien, Classic Ghost Stories by Wilkie Collins, M.R. James, Charles Dickens and Others
  • “In part. She sat down and pulled her necklace out of her shirt. I read about it in my mother’s journal. The Witches believe we are all parts of a whole. Like the phases of the moon. Together, we complete the circle and bring balance.” -​ Amber Argyle, Witch Song
  • “There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.“ – Joseph Conrad
  • “The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.” – Tahereh Mafi.

“Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” – Meaningful Mark Twain quotes.

Moon quotes by Mark Twain.
Moon quotes by Mark Twain.

Everyone strives to be multifaceted to sustain in this world. This moon quote points out that every person has a side which he preserves from the world. If you want to know a person deeply, you have to look through the darkness that a person has hidden in his heart.

Even the brightest moon hides sheer dullness on one side. Similarly, despite the good that a person ascertains, he hides a shady side that is not known to many.

Beautiful Full moon quotes

  • “For you, full moon, keep vigil for you, my girl, keep vigil for you, my love.” – Miguel Ángel Sáez Gutiérrez
  • “That what secretly flows between us today will gleam tomorrow, the way the full moon does.” – Rafy Rohaan
  • “She is the magic of a full moonlight!” – Avijeet Das
  • “When one starts thinking of the full moon as a common sight that will come again to one’s eyes ad-infinitum, the value of life is diminished and life goes by uncherished.” – Roman Payne
  • “I swear, the reason for full moons is so the gods can more clearly see the mischief they create.” – Michael J. Sullivan
  • “Tell me what you feel in your room when the full moon is shining in upon you and your lamp is dying out, and I will tell you how old you are, and I shall know if you are happy.” – Henri Frederic Amiel
  • ”A full moon is a poison to some; they shut it out at every crevice, and do not suffer a ray to cross them; it has a chemical or magical effect; it sickens them. But I am never more free and royal than when the subtle celerity of its magic combinations, whatever they are, is at work.” – Harriet Prescott Spofford

“This is not only a full moon for me. This is an image of your face for me.” – Gaurav G.R.V. Sharma

Romantic Full Moon quotes.
Romantic Full Moon quotes.

A full moon is one of the most stunning phases of the moon. The whole face of the celestial body lights up and glistens the whole world. Likewise, the moon reminds a love-struck person of his lover. He looks at the moon and draws similarities between the glorious moon and his beloved’s pretty face.

Just like the moon brightens up everything, the brilliance of the beautiful maiden makes everyone cheerful and happy by spreading positivity in the world.

You can also read our collection Goodnight quotes for her to fill up your relationship with love.

  • “There might be a connection between the moon’s energy when it’s full and the electrical impulses in the brain.” – Colin Cotterill
  • “The full moon appears at night with all its might and erases all the stars from the sky! Do the same to impress the world, stand in front of the world with all your strength and all your being!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • “A full moon hung across the heavens like a pregnant belly.” – Kien Nguyen
  • “She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” – Shannon A. Thompson
  • “The moon was reigning over their world, glowing its full splendor to all those willing to look up.” – Irina Serban
  • “Full moon is a good fisherman; every eye are easily caught in his net!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • “What was supposed to be so special about a full moon? It was only a big circle of light. And the dark of the moon was only darkness. But halfway between the two, when the moon was between the worlds of light and dark when even the moon lived on the edge…maybe then a witch could believe in the moon.” -​ Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad
  • “The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full.” – Rumi
  • “When the moon is not full, the stars shine more brightly.”

“The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.” – Carl Sandburg

Moon is a friend quotes.
Moon is a friend.

A sparkling moonlit sky can bring happiness to anyone and everyone. But for the people who feel deserted and lonely, the moon offers a serene companionship. It is like a pious and peaceful promise that can make any person’s heart feel calm and attended.

People who are shy to open up to others can easily let their emotions flow in the moonlight. It is an assurance, that no one should be lonely and the moon is there for every lonesome heart.

Try these Alone Quotes to stop feeling lonely.

Moon quotes short

  • “Drink in the moon as though you might die of thirst.” – Sanober Khan
  • “The moon rested right above the mountains, a place I call home.” – Daniel Wallock
  • “She was like the moon, half here and half somewhere else.” – Meeta Ahluwalia
  • “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” – Anton Chekhov.
  • “You have to walk through the darkness in order to find the light.”
  • “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” – George Carlin
  • “How many ways can you describe the sky and the moon?” – Toni Morrison
  • “Go slowly, my lovely moon, go slowly.” – Khaled Hosseini
  • “I still say, ‘Shoot for the moon; you might get there.” – Buzz Aldrin
  • “And all the insects ceased in honor of the moon.” – Jack Kerouac
  • “If you strive for the moon, maybe you’ll get over the fence.” – James Woods
  • “Be both soft and wild. Just like the moon. Or the storm. Or the sea.” – Victoria Erickson
  • “There’s no point in saving the world if it means losing the moon.” – Tom Robbins
  • “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” -​ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • “The moon looks upon many night flowers; the night flowers see but one moon.” – Jean Ingelow
  • “Many solemn nights blond moon, we stand and marvel…Sleeping our noons away.” – Teitoku
  • “The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.” – Tahereh Mafi
  • “A crescent moon and an innocent shall find their glory and adoration at the end of the tunnel.” – P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
  • “Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told that it is a fragment awaiting perfection.” – Rabindranath Tagore

Final Thoughts

The moon offers plentiful pleasure owing to its cool, white, and soothing sight. Similarly, our moon quotes soothe aching hearts that need a little inspiration. Although the moon has a beautiful shine, it does not hurt the eyes. Instead, it puts together a beautiful view for the sore eyes.

  • “But even when the moon looks like it’s waning … it’s actually never changing shape. Don’t ever forget that.” – Ai Yazawa
  • “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” – John F. Kennedy
  • “Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.”- Gautama Buddha
  • “When the storm is over and night falls and the moon is out in all its glory and all you’re left with is the rhythm of the sea, of the waves, you know what God intended for the human race, you know what paradise is.” – Harold Pinter
  • “I never really thought about how when I look at the moon, it’s the same moon as Shakespeare and Marie Antoinette and George Washington and Cleopatra looked at.” – Susan Beth Pfeffer
  • “And the sun and the moon sometimes argue over who will tuck me in at night. If you think I am having more fun than anyone on this planet, you are absolutely correct.” -​ Hafiz
  • “The moon had been observing the earth close-up longer than anyone. It must have witnessed all of the phenomena occurring-and all of the acts carried out on this earth. But the moon remained silent; it told no stories.” – Haruki Murakami
  • “It was the kind of moon that I would want to send back to my ancestors and gift to my descendants so they know that I too have been bruised…by beauty.” – Sanober Khan
  • “The moon is the friendliest of the celestial bodies, after all, glowing warm and white and welcoming, like a friend who wants only to know that all of us are safe in our narrow worlds, our narrow yards, our narrow, well-considered lives.” – Seanan McGuire
  • “Woman is the most superstitious animal beneath the moon. When a woman has a premonition that Tuesday will be a disaster, to which a man pays no heed, he will very likely lose his fortune then.
  • This is not meant to be an occult or mystic remark. The female body is a vessel, and the universe drops its secrets into her far more quickly than it communicates them to the male.” -​ Edward Dahlberg
  • “The reappearance of the crescent moon after the new moon; the return of the Sun after a total eclipse, the rising of the Sun in the morning after its troublesome absence at night were noted by people around the world; these phenomena spoke to our ancestors of the possibility of surviving death. Up there in the skies was also a metaphor of immortality.” – Carl Sagan
  • “When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the crescent of a lavender moon. Imagine it – delicate, slim, precise, like a paper-thin slice from a cabochon jewel. It may not be very useful, but it is beautiful. And sometimes it is enough.” – Vera Nazarian
  • “There’s something enchanting about the night. All those heavenly bodies, shooting stars, the crescent moon, celestial phenomenon.” – Luanne Rice
  • “Here is something you have to understand about stories: They point you in the right direction but they can’t take you all the way there. Stories are crescent moons; they glimmer in the night sky, but they are most exquisite in their incomplete state. Because people crave the beauty of not-knowing, the excitement of suggestion, and the sweet tragedy of mystery.” – Diana Abu-Jaber
  • “I wish to cry. Yet, I laugh, and my lipstick leaves a red stain like a bloody crescent moon on top of the beer can.” – Sylvia Plath
  • “The crescent moon in the sky appeared and disappeared between the branches and the thickets, or behind the playful diaphanous night clouds, like the jewel in the crown that shines or blurs according to the destiny of the empire.” – Mukta Singh-Zocchi, The Thugs & a Courtesan.

Indeed, the moon is the royal queen of the night sky. It extends substantial solace and joy for people who look up to its beauty. Moreover, our collection of good night quotes images can also be paired with a moon-sighting session to make all hearts feel calm and cared for. Keep reading!