After Christmas, New Year comes with a new beginning, with excitement and hope for the next 365 days. At the beginning of a new year, our hearts are filled with joy and our minds are filled with plans and dreams.

At this time, we are all heading to the future. That optimism and motivation are presented in a lot of New Year quotes.

These quotes are full of words of encouragement, determination, and a positive vibe. Thus, they provide a great way to enhance your New Year’s Resolution and motivate yourself to achieve all your goals.

Read more: Happy Easter Quotes.

Happy New Year Quotes

New Year Quotes 1.
New Year Quotes 1.

“This is the beginning of anything you want.”

The spirit of New Year is the realization of possibilities. On this occasion, suddenly we feel like having all the power to make things happen. That feeling is exactly what can design and kick start our plan.

And it will also carry us through obstacles that will come along the way. That is why New Year brings both inspiration and motivation.

New Year Quotes 2.
New Year Quotes 2.

“We all get the exact same 365 days.The only difference is what we do with them.” – New Year Quote by Hillary DePiano

New Year comes with new 365 days to spend. New Year comes to every person, this amount of time is the same to everyone. But why are there successful people who achieve many great things and others who seem to stay still?

Well, the answer lies in our decision to spend our 365 days. Gather your dreams, sketch your plan and work for it, you will receive a year of success and happiness.

New Year Quotes 3.
New Year Quotes 3.

“Every New Year people get you some presents but your best present you get never changes: Your own existence! It is also your best present to others!” – by Mehmet Murat Ildan

There are traditions attached to the New Year all around the globe. At the beginning of the year, we exchange gifts, lucky money, and wishes. They speak for the love and care that we have for each other.

In that sense, New Year quotes reveal the best present of all: your own existence. Each person’s existence is a blessing to his loved ones, and it also allows him to love others.

New Year quotes with images

New Year Quotes 4.
New Year Quotes 4.

“New Beginnings are in order, and you are bound to feel some level of excitement as new chances come your way.” – by Auliq Ice

When the clock is running to the end of a year, we all feel excited and scared. It is because we can feel a New Year is coming with unexpected challenges as well as opportunities.

There will be a lot of new things waiting for us: new plans, new look, new relationship…The key to success is to welcome all these beginnings and grabbing any chances life puts on our way.

New Year Quotes 5.
New Year Quotes 5.

“Let go of what was and embrace what to be.” – by Lailah Gifty Akita

It is normal to feel regretful about what has happened in the past. But in the New Year, we should look at the last year as experience and let go of it.

What truly matters right now is the year ahead, with a promise of new chances and new achievements. New Year is the opportunity for us to refresh our minds and get ready for what will come.

Happy New Year Quotes 1.
Happy New Year Quotes 1.

“New Year – a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it.The choice is ours.” – by Alex Morritt

New Year quotes do not only contain promise and motivation. They also challenge us to make decisions regarding what we will do and who we will become.

The road ahead of us is not set in stone; anything can happen. It is most certain that we will stay the same if we do not set our plans and take action. The story of this New Year lies in our own hands.

Happy New Year Quotes 2.
Happy New Year Quotes 2.

“Forget what we became, what matters is what we’ve become, and our potentials to overcome.” – by Aniekee Tochukwu

Generally, we are often torn between the past, present, and future. Especially the past, in which the failures and misfortune we had stayed for a long time in our minds.

However, New Year is when the refreshing and inspirational spirit can help us to let go of the past. New Year makes it easier to forget who we were, and focus on the person we are and what we can become instead.

Happy New Year Quotes 3.
Happy New Year Quotes 3.

“It isn’t only a new year; it is a new chance for everyone to restart.” – by Mohammed Sekouty

How do you think about the next 365 days starting from the 1st of January? Do you feel thrilled? The reason why this date is so important is that it is far beyond the start of a new year.

This is emphasized in many New Year quotes: It is the start of a new life. New Year comes with the chance for you to do better things and live a better life.

Happy quotes for New Year

Happy New Year Quotes 4.
Happy New Year Quotes 4.

“If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am.” – by Cyril Cusack

We are all excited when talking about our New Year’s Resolution. It is a list of a variety of things we are motivated to do and achieve this year. But among all the items on that list, perhaps the most important one is to reinvent ourselves.

We are always on this road to discover and try to bring out the best of our own. The most important thing is not accessories on the outside, but the soul on the inside.

Happy New Year Quotes 5.
Happy New Year Quotes 5.

“All of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives.” – by Steven Spielberg

It is obvious that every New Year, we feel like we are getting older. But rather than thinking of a New Year as a new age, try thinking it as a new starting point.

New Year comes with the new “you” with a new look, new characteristics, and much more wisdom. This is the truth, and it will allow you to be more open-minded and make better choices for your life.

Quotes about New Year 1.
Quotes About New Year 1.

“On the way to success, the rule is, always to look ahead. May you reach your destination. May your journey be outstanding. Happy New Year.” – by Anonymous

Quotes about New Year 2.
Quotes about New Year 2.

“May God bring to you warmth of love and a light to guide your path towards a positive destination. Happy New Year!” – by Anonymous

Quotes about New Year 3.
Quotes About New Year 3.

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” – by C.S.Lewis

Quotes about New Year 4.
Quotes about New Year 4.

“It wouldn’t be New Year’s if I didn’t have regrets.” – by  William Thomas

Quotes about New Year 5.
Quotes about New Year 5.

“Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” – New Year Quotes from Brooks Atkinson

Quotes about New Year 6.
Quotes about New Year 6.

“A New Year brings new grace for new accomplishments.” – by Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes about New Year 7.
Quotes about New Year 7.

“I hope you get all your dream in your hand till end of the year.” – by Faiz Israili

Quotes about New Year 8.
Quotes about New Year 8.

“There will be always something old in the New Year!” – by Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes about New Year 9.
Quotes about New Year 9.

“Never leave anything out to dry as the sun comes up for the New Year.” – by Markus Zusak

Quotes about New Year 10.
Quotes About New Year 10.

“We are the authors of our destinies. No one can see the vision any clearer, believe in and work any harder to make it a reality more than the visionary.” – by Nike Campbell-Fatoki

You may also like these New Year quotes

  • “To dress up today in the threadbare garments of yesterday is to create an impoverished tomorrow.” – by Craig D.Lounsbrough
  • “Faith is why I’m here today and faith is why I believe I can achieve something in my life.” – by Jonathan Anthony Burkett
  • “New year is a day, to tune the rhythm called SOUL, with best chords called EXPERIENCES and play the guitar called LIFE.” – by Vikrmn
  • “You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.” – by Hillary DePiano
  • “Life has no remote, so wake up and change it.” – Short quotes for New Year by Sushil Singh.
  • “What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” – by Vern McLellan
  • “And I went into the New Year loving myself a little less, but a little more where it actually mattered.” – by Dominic Riccitello
  • “New Year’s cards from friends – colored patterns of my life” – by Mitsu Suzuki
  • “Every tomorrow is an outcome of what I do today, and the beauty of it all is that today is happening all the time.” – by Craig D.Lounsbrough
  • “Red onion skins and New Year’s Eve have much in common – they both peel away to reveal new vibrancy.” – by Alex Morritt
  • “Now the New Year reviving old desires, the thoughtful soul to solitude retires.” – New year quotes by Omar Khayyam.
  • “We are the main shepherd of our fate; we are the main designer of our destiny!” – by Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • “The priceless lesson in the New Year is that endings birth beginnings and beginnings birth endings. And in this elegantly choreographed dance of life, neither ever find an end in the other.” – by Craig D.Lounsbrough

Check more famous quotes about New Year

  • “As the year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection – a time to release old thoughts and beliefs and forgive old hurts. Whatever has happened in the past year, the New Year brings fresh beginnings.Exciting new experiences and relationships await. Let us be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future.” – by Peggy Toney Horton
  • “2019 I’m Ready. Out with the old, in with the new.” – by Anonymous
  • “We will open the book.Its pages are blank.We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – by Edith Lovejoy Pierce
  • “A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare.” – Happy New Year quotes by Aberjhani.
  • “I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.” – by Anais Nin
  • “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice.” ” – by T.S.Eliot
  • “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Good New Year quote by Oprah Winfrey.
  • “Any new beginning is forged from the shards of the past, not from the abandonment of the past.” – by Craig D.Lounsbrough
  • “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “My New Year’s resolution list usually starts with the desire to lose between 10 and 3,000 pounds.” – by  Nia Vardalos
  • “Resolution One: I will live for God.Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.” – by Jonathan Edwards
  • “To have the kind of year you want to have, something has to happen that you can’t explain why it happened. Something has to happen that you can’t coach.” – by Bobby Bowden

Final Thought

New Year comes with a holiday, celebration, and joy, but it is more than that. It is such a special occasion that just mentioning it can evoke excitement and hope in our hearts.

New Year means a new beginning with which we forget the past and head to the future. And New Year means figuring out what we want, make a plan and take action to achieve it.

Happy New Year quotes, with their positive and encouraging words, will help to strengthen that spirit. Not only can we use them to motivate ourselves, but we can also share with our loved ones to inspire them.

And as these quotes suggest, may our new year be filled with love, success, and fulfillment!