50+ Funny Anniversary Quotes


Funny Anniversary Quotes are good choices for your anniversary day. It will not only make your love be moved into tears but also create a good laugh.

With love intentions being said under subtle humor, these quotes will definitely increase your charm in your partner’s eyes and make you two even more in love.

Pick one of the funny anniversary quotes below to tell your love to brighten their day. There is no other way to make their day spectacular!

Funny Anniversary Quotes with love

  • “You’re still here? I like it.”
  • “Holy shit. We’re still married!”
  • “I’m completely not sick of you yet.”
  • “Marriage: when dating goes too far.”
  • “Thanks for being my unpaid therapist.”
  • “Sorry, no refunds. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Cheers to another year of pain and suffering.”
  • “I’ll love you even when you’re old and wrinkly.”
  • “I really love you, etc. etc. etc. Can we eat now?”
  • “Congratulations on defying marriage statistics.”

You might also like these funny relationship quotes that will lighten up the mood and make your relationship happier.

“You’re still here? I like it.”

Funny Anniversary quotes.
Funny Anniversary quotes.

On your anniversary day, sometimes all you need to do is to re-confirm your partner’s existence. Let them know that you love to have them in your life in a humorous way. This will surely make them laugh.

In this quote, you are pretending to overlook their presence for a while, as you two have come a long way together. But on your anniversary day, it will become a way to demonstrate and emphasize the importance of their existence in your life.

This funny anniversary quote will make you become more attractive with subtle humor.

“Holy shit. We’re still married!” – Short funny anniversary quotes.

Funny Marriage quotes.
Funny Marriage Quotes.

Or in other words: “Oh my god! I can’t believe that we can stand each other for that long!”. The above quote has delivered your cheers in recognition of your anniversary with humor and surprise.

Sometimes we go through life without realizing the journey that we’ve come so far. And you need occasions like this to remind each other.

Pick this text to celebrate your marriage anniversary and have a few minutes to reminisce about your memories together. There are no other better occasions.

“I’m completely not sick of you yet.”

Funny Anniversary sick quotes.
Funny Anniversary sick quotes.

Sometimes in life, things get difficult and you two may get upset about each other now and then. It is love that keeps you two together, and it is love that gives you the power to overcome it all.

Love is loving both the gifts and the flaws of your partner. By this, you will have the power to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship.

Tell your partner this on your anniversary day. They will fall for you immediately for making them laugh and feel touched at the same time.

“Marriage: when dating goes too far.” – Funny quotes for the anniversary.

Funny Anniversary Marriage quotes.
Funny Anniversary Marriage quotes.

Dating and marriage are two phases of a romantic relationship. When dating is enough and you want to make this person your spouse, you go for a proposal.

Marriage is more than dating, and it is definitely worth it if you have your love with you for the journey of life.

Take this message to remind you two about the path that you shared. It is the perfect time to cherish each other for companionship.

“Thanks for being my unpaid therapist.”

Funny quotes for Anniversary.
Funny Quotes for Anniversary.

It is great to have a companion in the journey of life. But it is significant to have someone who understands you and knows the way to soothe you when things turn difficult.

If you are lucky, that special one is your spouse. They are one of a kind. You are blessed to come across and to keep them in this life.

Spend a moment to tell your love how grateful you are, for having them as “always be there”, “always listen” and “always for you”. Through all the challenges in life.

“Sorry, no refunds. Happy anniversary!”

Funny Happy Anniversary quotes.
Funny Happy Anniversary quotes.

This tricky and funny quote will make your love laugh for the day. It is a way to tell your partner that “There is no way that you can escape from me!” or “You are married to me and there’s no way back!”.

This is a way to express how precious they are to you. You would never want to lose them and the love of your life is him/her.

“Cheers to another year of pain and suffering.”

Anniversary fun quotes.
Anniversary fun quotes.

Making fun of things that make you down will surely create positive thoughts. During life’s journey, ups and downs are inevitable. Having your partner with you is a grant because humans are stronger together.

So, let’s cheer for all the expected and unexpected in the year to come. Pain and suffering are nothing, as long as you are together.

“I’ll love you even when you’re old and wrinkly.”

Funny quotes about Anniversary.
Funny quotes about Anniversary.

Imagine how moved your wife/husband would be when they hear you saying this when they wake up in the morning? There is no other way to promise your love on your anniversary day and to say you want to grow old with them.

This is a straightforward and to-the-point quote for your anniversary. Say this to your love and wait to see their happy smiles.

“I really love you, etc. etc. etc. Can we eat now?”

Anniversary quotes funny.
Anniversary quotes funny.

When loving words become boring and you really want to bring a new breeze for your anniversary celebration, say this! It shows that you two really have a strong bond and it is needless to say how much you love them. Because they already know!

At your dining table on your anniversary day, fast-forward to the feast with your love with this funny saying and enjoy your time together. 

“Congratulations on defying marriage statistics.”

Anniversary funny short quotes.
Anniversary funny short quotes.

Statistics on marriage normally get relatively high when it comes to divorce, luckily you two are still together! This is a funny way to celebrate your wedding anniversary. You two have come through a long way and you deserve a monument for this.

Say this quote to your love on your anniversary day, it’s a way to cherish their importance in your life.

Laughs are infectious and they are the perfect gift for your love on your anniversary day. A gift with a quote or simply a quote alone will never let your partner down, as they deserve to be cherished on this special day.

Select one or more from these funny anniversary quotes to celebrate your marriage/love anniversary.

Short Funny Anniversary Quotes

  • “Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.”
  • “I love you more than carbs but less than cheese!”
  • “I still love you. Even though you fart in your sleep.”
  • “Let’s never give up on trying to change each other.”
  • “It’s remarkable how long we’ve tolerated each other.”
  • “Overall, I love you more than I want to strangle you.”
  • “I love you. Thanks for killing all the spiders this year.”
  • “Never laugh at your wife’s choices you are one of them.”
  • “Cheers to two imperfect pieces that fit perfectly together.”
  • “Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity.”
  • “Happy Anniversary to the best first husband I’ll ever have.”
  • “One year down, freaking forever to go. Happy anniversary.”
  • “There’s no one else I would rather snoring as hell beside me.”
  • “My dear husband, I want you. To do more around the house.”
  • “If love is an amazing dream, then marriage is the alarm clock.”
  • “Marriage is a workshop… where the husband works & wife shops..”
  • “All I want for next year is you. Just kidding, give me diamonds.”
  • “Congratulations on choosing a spouse who makes you look sane.”
  • “Congratulations! Cheer’s to another year of suffering and misery.”
  • “We go together like “copy” and “paste.” Happy Anniversary Baby!”

Funny Anniversary Quotes after Marriage

  • “My husband said he needed more space… So I locked him outside!”
  • “The four most important words in any marriage: I’ll do the dishes.”
  • “Happy anniversary! I want to spend the rest of my money with you.”
  • “Marriage is the only kind of fire which is never covered by insurance.”
  • “Happy anniversary day from the best thing that ever happened to you.”
  • “I love waking up next to you in the morning. Just don’t breathe on me.”
  • “I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.”- Groucho Marx
  • “Peanut butter and jelly are not a finer match. Cheers to our Anniversary!”
  • “Happy Anniversary! Now if I can just remember your birthday this year.”
  • “Happy anniversary my love. Eat all the leftovers again and I will end you.”
  • “In my house, I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision-maker.” – Woody Allen
  • “After all this time, my love for you is still stronger than my desire to be single.”
  • “Well, we made it another year without one of us either ending up dead or in jail.”
  • “Behind every great man – there’s a woman rolling her eyes.” – Jim Carrey
  • “I never knew what real happiness was until I got married; by then it was too late.”
  • “Three kids, two love birds, and one mortgage — We’re in this together. Love ya!”
  • “Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.”
  • “Happy Anniversary! We’ve been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.”
  • “To say I fell hard for you is an understatement. I still love you now more than ever.”
  • “All marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterward that causes all the trouble.”