Happy Easter Quotes


Speaking of Easter, what would you think about it? The following happy Easter quotes will remind you that this holiday is much more than Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies.

The long winter has gone and now in the spring, the season of reinventing ourselves. Easter is the time for resurrection, time for a new, fresh beginning.

Easter is when we reflect on the past and look forward to the future. And these meaningful quotes will help to strengthen your power, positivity, and hope for a new life.

Happy Easter Quotes with beautiful images

“Today is Easter, but what does it mean? It’s a time of renewal for each and everything.” – Sharon Gardner

Easter Quotes
Easter Quotes.

When we reach the time of Easter, there is always the refreshing atmosphere of a new beginning. It is the atmosphere of spring – a new life for the world, and it is the atmosphere of new hopes for all of us.

Easter has always been the occasion for renewal and new beginnings. No matter how difficult it has been, there are always ways to turn everything around and to start all over again.

“Easter is very important to me, it’s a second chance.” – Reba McEntire

Easter Quotes Meaning
Easter Quotes Meaning.

We are brought to life without any instructions or a map. Don’t worry if you have made some or many mistakes, they are a part of life.

Through mistakes, we learn, and by that, we strive and thrive. Only by that, we – humans are humans. So, brace yourself to bounce back, there are always second chances!

Check out more relative topic: Funny Easter Quotes

“The world is waking up after a long winter. Easter is a time to celebrate life!” – Trudi Strain Trueit.

Easter Life Quotes
Easter Life Quotes.

Winter makes everything seem slow and dull. Things get harder in the cold and we tend to go through the end of the year sluggishly.

With that repetition of life, let ourselves be galvanized by the vigorous growth of spring and the sacred renewal of Easter.

No winter lasts forever and no spring skips its turn.

“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.” – The meaningful quotes.

Quotes about Easter
Quotes about Easter.

Easter quotes are all about these everlasting notions of life.

We need hope every morning when we wake up, we need renewal whenever we taste the bitterness of failure, and a new life is always in our reach, for the worse or better.

Luckily, we have one special day to remind us about that. Let’s celebrate Happy Easter!

Quotes about Easter Holiday.

“How can we joyfully anticipate Easter Sunday’s power without mournfully remembering our weakness?” – Christopher Greer, Easter is Coming.

Easter Sunday Quotes
Easter Sunday Quotes.

When thinking about a new beginning, we also tend to look back on everything we have done and things that happened to us.

It allows us to float into our introspection zone and relive all those good and bad memories. And through the rewind of everything, we gain power.

So, follow your heart and instinct, even though it leads you to the darkest memories. Because only in those places, they laid your biggest power. 

  • “Easter has come to be known as the day of the resurrection of Jesus. His resurrection from death and the ramifications of that resurrection are the very foundation of Christianity and one in which every Christian must stand.” – Murl Gwynn
  • “We shall never understand the extent of God’s love in Christ at the Cross until we understand that we shall never have to stand before the judgment of God for our sins” – Billy Graham
  • “Easter is about the hope of things that are happening on earth, that more and more people will join us in heaven for eternity. Everything connected with Easter is showing the reality of why we have faith in the future, with optimism and hope for eternal life with God in Heaven.” – Steve Pease, The Easter Story.
  • “Easter is a time that family and friends get together. Some for religious purposes and some to celebrate the arrival of Spring. Either way, it is a celebration of renewal and typically finds people with a positive outlook.” – Jean LeGrand

“It is Easter. This is a season when we reflect on the suffering, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. ” – Emily Belle Freeman, Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter

Happy Easter Quotes
Happy Easter Quotes.

Jesus Christ had lived his life to prove to us that the love of God will stay after all.

He spent his life helping the weak, healing the sick, and spreading the love of God among the people.

His death was the suffering of being nailed and hanged on a cross, to pay for the sins that he had made during his life.

But after all, the love of God for his son won everything else and Jesus was resurrected.

Therefore, things will get better and God will help us after all. So, keep hope!

  • “Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians. It is a time for family gatherings to celebrate their faith as well as the beginning of Spring.” – Laura Sommers
  • “But what appeared to be a defeat was actually the greatest victory of all. In his death, Jesus defeated sin. On Easter morning, death too was defeated.” – Eugene H. Peterson
  • “Easter celebrates an event that proved Jesus was who he claimed to be. He was God in the flesh, and he came to Earth to save us. And that meant he had to die for us.” – Rick Warren
  • “It’s impossible to reflect upon Easter and all of its hardships without letting it reflect in and through us.” – Stacy Voss

Easter Quotes for family and friends

“We no longer live within the day on which death seemed victorious. We live in the day that came three days after. We call it Easter. ” – Marcia Laycock

Easter Day Quotes
Easter Day Quotes.

This Easter quote seems plain and simple, but under those words, there laid an eternity rule of life.

That is: Days will pass and days will come, life continues no matter what. Nowadays, we live in a world where “glorious death” is no longer a fancy phrase.

So, keep hope, it’s Easter and hope will bring a brand-new beginning for us all!

  • “Praise God! His Son has risen! And death has no power, He is the mighty conqueror, e’en in life’s darkest hour. ” – Greta Zwaan, He Did It 
  • “On Easter Sunday the rising of Jesus from the dead is commemorated, and that being so it is regarded by the Christian Church as a day of great joy. In the old times, indeed, it was called the Sunday of Joy, and in the Eastern world it is still called the Bright Day.” – Hamish Hendry
  • “We will give way no more to doubts and fears, but we will say to one another, “He is risen indeed: therefore let our hearts be glad.” – Charles Spurgeon.
  • “On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.” – Douglas Horton

“Easter brings fun, Easter brings Happiness, Easter brings God’s endless blessings, Easter brings love and the freshness of spring. Happy Easter to you and your family!”

Happy Easter Day Quotes
Happy Easter Day Quotes.

Another winter has passed and here we are, welcoming the new spring.

Easter is one of the best holidays of the year. Isn’t it wonderful to kick start a new year with the occasion of Easter? During this holy time of the year, we feel within ourselves the spark of hope, the spark of joy, and a sense of promising happiness.

Happy Easter and may we all have the best for ourselves and our family.  

  • “In many Christian traditions, the period before Easter is seen as a time of spiritual preparation for the day we later celebrate and welcome the “grand miracle” Christ accomplished through the cross.” – Michael G. Maudlin
  • “The risen Christ is celebrated in every opened flower, in every beam of nourishing sunlight, in every humble patch of green beneath our feet. Easter blessings.”
  • “How long do you celebrate Easter? A day? A morning? Did you know you’re supposed to get a full fifty days? The Easter season lasts for seven weeks!” – Bill Powell

“There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

Meaningful Easter Quotes
Meaningful Easter Quotes.

This is an Easter quote that was shared by American religious leader Gordon B.Hinckley when he was asked about his thoughts on the afterlife.

The resurrection of Jesus that brought us Easter was a lesson for us all. Life goes on, and humans – we go on living.

We were here before we were born, just as there was Easter before Christmas, and that’s the mortal existence of us all. 

  • “Most people outside of America won’t get it. It’s the Easter bunny. It’s another lie and I don’t understand why we had to invent this character.” – Todd Rundgren
  • “I wish you and your loved ones the renewal of love, happiness and life. Have a wonderful Easter!”
  • “God blesses all those who believe in him. May the light of faith in God grow each day. May you have a pleasant Easter!”
  • “Have a happy, peaceful, and fun Easter filled with marshmallows, chocolate, and jelly beans”

“Easter is an arts and crafts moment where your whole family and friends can get involved.” – Alex Guarnaschelli

Easter Holiday Quotes
Easter Holiday Quotes.

Too many Christian, Easter is simply an occasion for a family gathering.

There are feasts on the table, painted eggs hidden around the yard. It is time for everyone to re-center their focus back to family, do some arts and crafts with their child, and cook some savory with their loved ones.

This funny Easter quote will definitely get everyone involved by inspiring them with positive thoughts. Roll up your sleeves and paint some eggs!

  • “He was born to die and rise into the sky so that one day we all could pray to him to save our lives. Here’s wishing you a very Happy Easter.”
  • “I just popped into your inbox, to wish the sweetest person in this world loads of Easter eggs, just as sweet as you. Happy Easter.”
  • “It’s not about the bunny, eggs, or even dressing up for church. It’s about the hope that we have because there was an empty tomb.”
  • “Just like after every night comes a new day and after darkness comes to light after a painful death comes new life. Happy Easter to you.”

You may also like these spiritual Easter quotes

  • “Joining you in gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice and the joyful renewal it brings to all God’s children this Easter season.”
  • “God’s love did not begin at Calvary. Before the morning stars sang together, before the world was baptized with the first light, before the first blades of tender grass peeped out, God was love. ” – Billy Graham
  • “An Easter Poem For You: Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wish I were in the chocolate biz! Happy Easter.
  • “If it weren’t for the beautiful Spring weather, I’d be really upset with that damn bunny for eating all my flower bulbs. Happy Easter anyway.”
  • “Happy Easter to you and your family as we celebrate our Father’s greatest sacrifice through his Son, Jesus Christ. Have a blessed Easter.”
  • “And Easter, the most important church festival, offers the perfect opportunity to examine the relationship between the spiritual and the secular, the sacred and the profane, and between humanity and God.” – Michael Arditti
  • “I love Easter. It’s a time for eating all the chocolate you can find with complete impunity! Have a delicious Easter.” – Janine di Giovanni
  • “The beauty and majesty of the Lenten and Easter season is that the grace of God flows freely to those who confess their sins and seek God’s healing touch.” – Brian Simmons, Jeremy Bouma
  • “As we celebrate the Resurrection this Easter, let us remember that it is His life alone by which we must be revived daily until He returns.” – Dr. David Jeremiah 
  • “The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to do three things. He came to have my past forgiven, you get a purpose for living and a home in Heaven.” – Rick Warren


Easter is near. The new beginning always evokes our excitement and fuels our enthusiasm. As we are getting ready for this holiday of springtime, let’s equip ourselves with these happy Easter quotes.

They show us the meaning of Easter and teach us how to enjoy this occasion wisely. They are also useful for you to send as gifts to your loved ones.

That will show them your emotions and help them have a perfect Easter. After all, it is also the meaning of a fresh start: to have a happier life with the ones we love and care for.

  • “We tolerate a little Spring rain in order to enjoy the sunshine that follows. It’s just like we tolerate a little heartburn in order to enjoy copious amounts of Easter candy! Enjoy!”
  • “If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, and if God forgives you and me, how can you withhold your forgiveness from someone else?” – Anne Graham Lotz
  • “All we got to do is follow Christ, for in Christ will all our queries be solved. Have a Blessed and Meaningful Easter.”
  • “Easter is significantly symbolic to Christians in that during that period, Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice so that we could be all saved from sin.” – Francis Okumu.
  • “Lavender plaid, pinks, and pastels everywhere, sun shining and blue skies… It’s almost like being on a golf course in South Florida! Happy Easter.”
  • “The Hallmark version of Easter is not the real deal. The real story is as manly as manly gets.” – Michael Burns.