Dandelion Quotes With Beautiful Images


A dandelion flower reminds us of the ever-blazing sunshine. Hence, we have collected a few warm dandelion quotes for you that will inspire you to always stand tall and proud. Just like the sun spreads warmth and power through its rays, the yellow petals of a dandelion harness hope, love, and happiness for you. It motivates you to conquer all hardships and walk on the path of joy and healing.

Moreover, the dandelions make you realize how chirpy and beautiful life truly is. It helps you embrace positivity and cheer in your lives. Which makes it even more chirpy and gorgeous to look at. We also have some nature quotes that you might want to share with your fellow nature lovers.

Undoubtedly, every person can learn something or the other from a dandelion. To some it imparts joy and cheer, to others it teaches positivity and optimism.

Dandelion Quotes

“Dandelions don’t tell no lies…”- Mick Jagger

Dandelions Quote 4.

“Be like a dandelion. Whenever they fall apart, they start again. Have hope.”

Be like a dandelion

“Beautiful as a dandelion-blossom golden in the green grass, this life can be.”- Edna St. Vincent Millay

Dandelion Quotes 6.

“I have lost my smile, but don’t worry. The dandelion has it.”- Nhat Hanh

I have lost my smile

“If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn.” Andrew Mason

If dandelions were hard to grow

“Already the dandelions Are changed into vanishing ghosts.”- Celia Thaxter

Already the dandelions Are changed

  • “I watch the ashes swim around like dandelion puffs, making swirls where bodies and walls once stood.”- Lauren DeStefano
  • “Some people need flowers, some people need dandelions. It’s medicine, it’s what you need at that time in your life.”- Sandra Cisneros
  • “The man who worries morning and night about the dandelions in the lawn will find great relief in loving the dandelions.”- Liberty Hyde Bailey
  • “No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in the bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos.”- D. H. Lawrence
  • “Sometimes it seemed to him that his life was delicate as a dandelion. One little puff from any direction, and it was blown to bits.”- Katherine Paterson
  • “What an indulgence it would be, to just blow off my head, all my mean spirits disappearing with a gun blast, like blowing a seedy dandelion apart.”- Gillian Flynn

Beautiful Dandelion Quotes

“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons.”- Vladimir Nabokov

Most of the dandelions had changed

“Dandelions, Like All Things In Nature, Are Beautiful When You Take Time To Pay Attention To Them”- June Stoyer

Dandelions Quotes 9.

  • “You fight dandelions all weekend, and late Monday afternoon there they are, pert as all get out, in full and gorgeous bloom, pretty as can be, thriving as only dandelions can in the face of adversity.” Hal Borland
  • “So much love, too much love, it is our madness, it is rotting us out, exploding us like dandelion polls.” John Updike
  • “Some ideas, like dandelions in lawns, strike tenaciously: you may pull off the top but the root remains, drives down suckers, and may even sprout again.” Elizabeth Bowen
  • “Take your materials from what is around you – if you see a dandelion, write about that; if it’s misty, write about the mist. The materials for poetry are all about you in profusion.” Masaoka Shiki
  • “Flowers are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty out values all the utilities of the world. If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn.” – Andrew Mason
  • “Organic as a dandelion seed, [the ship of our imagination] will carry us to worlds of dreams and worlds of facts” Carl Sagan

“The dandelion’s pallid tube Astonishes the grass, And winter instantly becomes An infinite alas.”- Emily Dickinson

The dandelion’s pallid tube

  • We have to do what we have to do. Miracles happen. The life force of this planet is very strong. Dandelions poke through sidewalks. We don’t know enough to give up. We only know enough to know that we have to try to change the course of human events. — Elizabeth May
  • “She wrote, ‘Dandelion, I love you.’ And I thought that was magic. It’s not in you, it’s between you. It’s bigger and stronger than you are.” — Melvin Burgess
  • “We wish upon dandelions, those that are gone with the wind. We wish upon shooting stars, those that burn as they fall. You still don’t get it? Our wishes are just as fleeting”. — Landlocked Sailor
  • “Easy as a child breathes a wish at a dandelion… is exactly how hard it would be for me to tear your limbs from their sockets.” — Adam Levin
  • “I’m allergic to family occasions. Sometimes I think we’d do better as dandelion seeds-no family, no history, just floating off into the world, each on our own piece of fluff.” — Sophie Kinsella
  • “What I Need Is the Dandelion In the Spring. The Bright Yellow That Means Rebirth Instead Of Destruction. The Promise That Life Can Go On, No Matter How Bad Our Losses. What It Can Be Good Again” Suzane Collins – Dandelion Quotes

Although the world believes dandelions to be just weeds, these dandelion quotes prove that these cheerful little flowers have much more to them. For instance, the dandelion flower symbolizes strength and endurance, as it can thrive even in the most difficult conditions. And, when the wind scatters the seeds of a dandelion, it signifies the love and joy that you sprinkle all over humanity.

Undoubtedly, a sweet blooming dandelion can bring joy and energy to anyone. Similarly, our flower quotes can brighten up your loved one’s day. So, share them with as many people as you can!