Birthday quotes for son from parents


Birthday is a very special and meaningful day for each of us. For those with small children, especially families with sons, parents are always looking for the best quotes to give their son on his birthday.

The best birthday quotes for sons below will hopefully help fathers and mothers find the best sayings to send to their sons. They will be so happy and will forever remember these very special birthdays.

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Son Quotes from Mom
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Birthday Quotes for Son from Mother’s heart

“To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world” – Dr. Seuss

Birthday quotes for son
Birthday quotes for son

Considering this quote for son, even though to the world you might seem like a little lonely sapient but to that which love you dearly from the heart, you appear as if you make up the whole world and the earth would have been empty.

You fill the abyss of the earth with your presence and your glory radiating the depths of the earth. Such should be what sons hear from their parents on their birthdays. It works wonders.

“Happy birthday to the little boy who stole my heart”


Yes, you were once a handsome, adorable, vulnerable, fat cheek little boy and this was the moment you stole my heart. I love what man you were and what man you would become.

This is you telling your son how much you love where he is coming from and where he is going.

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think” – A. Milne

Birthday quotes for boys

Oh my lovely son, you have to promise me to always live with the consciousness that you are the bravest, strongest and the smartest person in all you lay your hands on in the planet and nobody can ever match you.

Tell your son this on his birthday and you have already utilized all the tricks of birthday quotes for son.

“Happy birthday, my precious son! You are loved today, tomorrow, and always”


Happy beloved birthday my priceless son. I have always loved you, I love you now and I will keep loving you. That does the magic completely because here you are reiterating your love towards him which involves that you have always loved him and will always be loving him. This is a very good quote to go with on your son’s birthday.

“I love you to the moon and back” – Sam McBratney

I love you birthday quote.

To be candid, literally speaking the distance from the moon to the surface of the earth is about 384,400 Km, do you know what that means?

This quote as a standout in the birthday quotes for son is used to express the vastness and extent of one’s affection for the son in question. It signifies you fantasizing about how much you love him.

Trust me there is no better way to stress and emphasize the extent of love you have towards your son. So next time you want to wish your son a happy birthday, you might want to consider adding this quote.

Birthday quotes for son with love

“Sometimes I can hardly believe that the man I see when I look at you used to be my little boy”


Many years back you used to be my cute little boy but looking at you now I can’t but wonder how my then little baby boy has grown so much to become this glowing beautiful creature.

This particular quote right here is a very powerful one trying to portray the big and awesome man your son has become which is different from when he was so little and vulnerable. This is you encouraging and challenging your son to become the best version of himself.

“If I look back at everything I’ve done in life, you’re easily the best thing I’ve ever created”

Lovely birthday quote for son.

We would say humans have two creators, the first is the Lord the creator of heaven and earth, and the second is the parents. In this sense, we can literally say that parents created their son at the onset of birth.

This is a way of telling your son he is the best thing that came out of you without having to think twice.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you” – Dr. Seuss


I have raised you up to become this unique and great personality and I can never be more proud of who and what you are. You are a unique being in a way no other person could match.

You are You and nobody could ever do like you more than you. There is obviously no better way to let your son know how real you have raised him to become than with a subtle quote on his birthday.

“You are loved for the little boy you were, the special man you are now, and the wonderful son you will always be”

Little boy birhday quotes.

Hey cutie, you were once a little boy so much filled with love and charisma. You have grown into a special man the love has never disintegrated and it is not fading soon for the wonderful son you would eventually become.

Wish your son a happy birthday along with this great quote.

“No matter how old you get, know that you will always be my baby boy”


Wrapping up the “birthday son quotes” for the wonderful man you are now and the great man you are going to become in the future just know you will always be my adorable baby boy tender in the skin and chubby in the chick. I will always love you forever.

Happy birthday quotes for boys

“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one” – Dr. Seuss’s funny birthday quote

Happy birthday quotes for boy.

“When I asked God for a little prince to brighten the world, you came along and brought me joy ever since”

  • “Words cannot begin to express how awesome it is to have a son as amazing as you. If I had to try though I would go with: I love you more than life itself” – It’s a sweet birthday quote for son.
  • “As a parent, it’s my job to cherish all the special moments I get to share with you. Having a son as marvelous as you just make it so easy. Happy birthday!”
  • “Being a parent is never an easy task, but loving a son as precious as you are is You have always wanted us to treat you as an adult, so this birthday we decided to grant your wish. The cleaning and chores are all yours this year. You’re welcome!”
  • Happy birthday, son! We’ve watched you grow into an amazing man. May the year ahead continue to exceed your expectations!”

“Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the best son ever!”

Best wishes for son birthday.

“Words are simply not enough to express how amazing I feel to have you as my son. I love you. You make my life complete. Happy birthday, son!”

  • “Happy birthday to the biggest gift and the biggest joy in our life! There’s no limit to how much we love you!”
  • “We’re so fortunate to have a fantastic son like you. You’ve always been a beacon of light for us. Happy birthday, son!”
  • “Dear son, you are the only reason we look forward to life with a smile, and you will be the only reason we look back on life with a smile. Happy birthday”
  • “Need help? We’ll be there. Celebrating? We’ll be there. Just want to talk? Count on us to be there. It’s not because we have lots of time — we have lots for you. Happy birthday, son”

“You have made my life more meaningful and poignant, my son. May your birthday be filled with lots of gifts, candies, and ice cream. Happy birthday!”

Happy birthday message for son.
  • “Each year on your birthday, I think of the moment I first heard you cry. It was the most beautiful moment of my life… Happy birthday, son!”
  • “You changed the world as soon as you entered. Time flies so fast you have become a lot stronger and bigger, but you will always be my baby”
  • “You are the reason I get out of bed every single day of my life. Your existence has given my life meaning and a purpose. I love you, son. Happy birthday!”
  • “They say that love is all you need… So I didn’t get you a present this time. I love you! Happy birthday, son!”

The importance of the boy child is contributing to the growth of his state in the committee of nations cannot be over-emphasized, and so comes the need to always appreciate them from day to day.

I believe this subject birthday quotes for son has provided you with enough quotes needed to do just that and it is with my deepest heartfelt passion that I write these descriptions as they are meant to guide parents and the family in expressing how they feel about their son on his birthday as such bringing him to the reality of sensations in the phrase HAPPY BIRTHDAY.