Bessie Coleman Quotes


Bessie Coleman is the first African-American woman to have achieved the dream of reaching the sky. And her name has been engraved in the hall of fame of the most influential women of all time. These are the most famous Bessie Coleman quotes that are sure to give you new inspirations.

Bessie was one of the first female pilots to have a major influence on the world. Although her life has been full of injustice and discrimination. But that did not stop her from becoming a female pilot aviator. That is enough for us to understand that in this woman there are countless wonderful things worth learning.

Bessie Coleman Quotes

  • “If I can create a minimum of my plans and desires, there shall be no regrets.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “Tell them that as soon as I can walk, I am going to fly.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “Life can only be understood backward but it must be lived forwards.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “I made my mind up to try. I tried and was successful.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “You’ve never lived till you’ve flown.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “I refused to take no for an answer.” – Bessie Coleman
Bessie Coleman Quotes.
Bessie Coleman Quotes.

Throughout her short life, Bessie Coleman still strives to achieve certain achievements. From her dream of becoming a civilian pilot to her dream of opening a flight school for black women. She made it happen.

Indeed, she has gradually achieved the goals she set out. Her untimely death caused a lot of sadness to many people, but her success has inspired countless people.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 2.

This Bessie Coleman quote clearly shows her spirit, which is to push forward despite the circumstances. Not everyone is able to be a pilot, but here she is a woman, even she is a black woman. She was not accepted to the flying school while in the US, so she went to France to study. But geographical distance now seems unthinkable, but to her, it is only a necessary obstacle to getting what she wants.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 3.

Success can be exchanged for money, social status, admiration from others. All of that glory will likely be the ultimate destination for many of us. Sometimes the taste of success is so enticing that it scares us in the face of difficulty and failure.

But my dear, slow down a little bit. Slow down and relax a little, maybe you will realize that those difficulties are all your great achievements. Every mistake is the most wonderful and unique lesson that you will not repeat twice

Bessie Coleman Quotes 4.

These Bessie Coleman quotes appear here enough for us to understand that Bessie’s wisdom cannot be underestimated. Not receiving the best educational conditions, Bessie, on the other hand, faced a lot of unfairness and discrimination. However, Bessie chose the right path when she went to France to study as a pilot.

Life is like that, when we are in poverty, that is the time when we can make the most extraordinary breakthroughs. Bessie Coleman and her experiences are the basis for creating her valuable knowledge later.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 5.

The meaning of this Bessie Coleman quote is like the way its owner lived her life with the plane. And that is the unmistakable uniqueness of this strong, forward-looking, and fearless woman.

Here is a very powerful message, this life is no time to regret the past. The state of every moment in the present moment is what creates the future ahead of you. Be discerning and be a visionary designer with your life.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 6.

Bessie really makes us admire her independent and strong personality. Due to gender discrimination, she was prevented from attending flight schools in the US at that time. But that didn’t stop her for long. Bessie decided to learn French and went to France to learn how to fly a plane.

Through these things, we fully understand that Bessie Coleman’s determination is worthy of imitation and learning. She was not afraid, did not hesitate all the obstacles. Because it is certainly just what makes us look for another brighter opportunity. And her success is completely worth it.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 7.

Women, no matter how strong and resilient, are always feminine and want to love. And nothing can be easier to recognize the femininity of women than their own image with high heels.

Only women can understand that strange feeling! That’s when they put their feet on high heels and suddenly feel like they are infinitely more powerful and beautiful. Therefore, high heels are a powerful weapon for almost every woman.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 8.

This life is much more beautiful thanks to the efforts of all the women on this planet. Women are the inspiration for poems and music. It is also what makes all the flowers bloom. The ones who breathe the soul into the vitality of the flames of love.

This Bessie Coleman quote will be very suitable to give to the women around you as a complement to them.

Bessie Coleman Quotes 9.

Without being told by Bessie, we also understand that her life only really started when she became a civil aviator. And this Bessie Coleman quote is enough for us to understand how much she loved flying in the sky.

Thereby we know that, only when we really live with our passion, we can see life’s meaning. Maybe you will fall, but then you will understand the wonderful feeling of flying.

  • “It was soldiers returning from World War I with wild tales of flying exploits who first interested Coleman in aviation. She was also spurred on by Her brother, who taunted Her with claims that French women were superior to African American women Because they could fly.” – PBS
  • “Fulfilling Her dream sparked a revolution and led the way for new generations of dreamers and future aviation legends.” – The National Aviation Hall of Fame
  • “Because she was born with a drive to better herself, Coleman was an avid reader. Her mother ensured that the Coleman children made good use of the traveling library that came through two or three times a year.” –
  • “About 10,000 mourners paid their last respects to the first African American woman aviator, filing past Her coffin in Chicago South’s Side.” – PBS
  • “She was a modern woman in a not so modern world.” –
  • “Bessie would only perform if the crowds were desegregated and entered thru the same gates.” – The National Aviation Hall of Fame
  • “Queen Bess, the World’s Greatest woman Flier”

Bessie Coleman Quotes 10.

Bessie is both tough and consistent with her plans. Never accept a no to all problems. Even if there is disapproval or rejection, it will never be the end. She has her own rules, and those are her own making. Everyone has the right to make their own rules.

  • “The air is the only place to be free from prejudices.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “A woman is like a teabag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put Her in hot water.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “The age of a woman doesn’t mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “I knew we had no aviators, neither men nor women and I knew the race needed to be represented along this most important line.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “I thought it my duty to risk my life to learn aviation and to encourage flying among men and women of our race, who are so far behind the white race in this modern study.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “I decided blacks should not have to experience the difficulties I had faced, so I decided to open a flying school and teach other black women to fly.” – Bessie Coleman
  • “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.” – Bessie Coleman

Final Thought

With Bessie’s short journey, we are still easy to be impressed and overwhelmed with her brilliance. Bessie Coleman deserves to represent the voice of women and the equal rights of black people.

She awakened us to the realization that women are just as powerful as men and even more than that. And strong women quotes are also one of our favorite articles on this site. Let’s take a glimpse at it so you may learn a lot about our wonderful women.

Bessie’s sudden death has left us with grief and regret. However, the images and Bessie Coleman quotes are still valuable to inspire all of us later.