50 Best Romeo and Juliet Quotes by Shakespeare



Romeo and Juliet’s story is one of the greatest tragedies of all time by foremost playwright Shakespeare. He has granted the privilege of every generation to read through a masterpiece that sobs every heart. Indeed, here’re our most favorite Romeo and Juliet quotes whether or not you are a fan of it.

Romeo and Juliet is an all-time classic, with a blasé plot beyond the expectation of dramatic work this period. It was about the survivor in the love of a young couple, daring to face the families’ hatred.

Undoubtedly, Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy in all of the classic literature that we will certainly never forget.

Romeo and Juliet Love Quotes

“And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night”

Romeo and Juliet quotes.
Romeo and Juliet quotes.

“Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall.”

Best quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
Best quotes from Romeo and Juliet.

“For saints have hands that pilgrims ‘hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.” – Romeo and Juliet quotes.

Love from Romeo and Juliet quotes.
Love from Romeo and Juliet quotes.

“It is my soul that calls upon my name; How silver-sweet sound lovers’ tongues by night, Like softest music to attending ears!” – Romeo and Juliet

Quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
Quotes from Romeo and Juliet.

“One fire burns out another’s burning, One pain is lessened by another’s anguish.” – Romeo and Juliet.

Romantic quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
Romantic quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
  • “How art thou out of breath when thou hast breath.
    To say to me that thou art out of breath?”
  • “Don’t waste your love on somebody, who doesn’t value it.”
  • “If you frustrate love, you get an ocean made out of lovers’ tears.”
  • “Under loves heavy burden do I sink.” – Short Movies quote in Romeo and Juliet.
  • “The sweetest honey is loathsome in its own deliciousness. And in the taste destroys the appetite. Therefore, love moderately.”
  • “Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return.”

With his artistic genius, Shakespeare has made an indelible mark on all audiences. In fact, world literature would not be complete without the works of Romeo and Juliet. Someone said that Shakespeare’s work would be selected if there’s an opportunity to promote Earth’s civilization for outer spaces.

Best romantic Romeo and Juliet quotes

“Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night.” – Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet love quotes.

“See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
Oh, that I was a glove upon that hand
That I might touch that cheek!” – Romeo and Juliet romantic quotes.

Love quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
Love quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
  • “I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain.”
  • “It is my lady! O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were!”
  • “Did ever a dragon keep so fair a cave?”
  • “These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder. Which, as they kiss, consume”
  • “What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.”
  • Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- it’s everything except what it is!”

The Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet quote is quite profound

“There’s an old saying that applies to me: you can’t lose a game if you don’t play the game.” – Shakespeare’s quote.

Important quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
Important quotes from Romeo and Juliet.

“Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.” – Romeo and Juliet romantic quote.

Goodnight Love Story.
Goodnight Love Story.
  • “I am fortune’s fool!” – Shakespeare quote in Romeo and Juliet.
  • “These violent delights have violent ends.”
  • “Well, in that hit you miss. She’ll not be hit.
    With Cupid’s arrow. She hath Dian’s wit,
    And, in strong proof of chastity well armed,
    From Love’s weak childish bow she lives uncharmed.”
  • “Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,
    And vice sometimes by action dignified.”
  • “O teach me how I should forget to think.”
  • “These violent delights have violent ends
    And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
    Which as they kiss consume.”
  • “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”
  • “Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books,
    But love from love, toward school with heavy looks.” – Romantic love quotes from Romeo and Juliet.
  • “My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
    My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
    The more I have, for both are infinite.”
  • “Alas, that love, so gentle in his view,
    Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof!”

Romeo and Juliet quotes above also are a collection of Shakespeare’s most famous monologues. Until this day, these famous love quotes are still one of the most interesting topics at tea parties.

Even more Famous Romeo and Juliet quotes

“My only love sprung from my only hate.” – Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet hate quotes.
Romeo and Juliet hate quotes.
  • “Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.”
  • “It’s easy for someone to joke about scars if they’ve never been cut.”
  • “That which we call a rose.
    By any other name would smell as sweet.”
  • “He jests at scars that never felt a wound.”
  • “Women may fall when there’s no strength in men.” – Famous quotes for Romeo and Juliet.
  • “O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
    They pray, grant thou, lest faith turns to despair.”
  • “O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art.
    As glorious to this night, being o’er my head.
    As is a winged messenger of heaven”
  • “My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand.
    To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”
  • “Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.”
  • “Turn him into stars and form a constellation in his image. His face will make the heavens so beautiful that the world will fall in love with the night and forget about the garish sun.”
  • “If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking and you beat love down.”
  • “Love moderately. Long love doth so.
    Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.”
  • “Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs;
    Being purg’d, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes;
    Being vex’d, a sea nourish’d with lovers’ tears;
    What is it else? A madness most discreet,
    A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.”
  • “Begot of nothing but vain fantasy,
    Which is as thin of substance as the air,
    And more inconstant than the wind, who woos.”
  • “One pain is lessened by another’s anguish. Take thou some new infection to thy eye, And the rank poison of the old will die.”
  • “Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
    Who is already sick and pale with grief.”
  • “Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.
    Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.”

Spicing up your tea times with other William Shakespeare quotes and romantic quotes.