Happy Women’s Day Quotes to Celebrate International Women’s Day


The International Women’s Day is celebrated all around the world on the 8th of March every year. It is the time when we look back at some interesting Women’s Day quotes and be reminded of how amazing women are.

Depending on countries, it will be celebrated as a day of appreciation for women or a day of women’s rights. Whatever the case is, it is undeniable that women are receiving more and more recognition and praises.

Women represent both the beauty and power that nurture this world. Every woman should be appreciated for their contribution with the loveliest and most inspiring words.

And that is what you will find in the following exclusive collection of women’s day quotes.

Happy Women’s Day Quotes

“I just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Women’s Day!”

Happy Womens Day.
Happy Womens Day.
  • “Often we leave our appreciation unspoken! Today we all say Happy Women’s Day!!”
  • “Every Home, Every Heart, Every Feeling, Every Moment Of happiness is incomplete without you. Only you can complete this world. Happy Women’s Day”
  • “If you could see it from my eyes, you would know you are one gem of a Woman!” – by Unknown Author
  • “Wishing you a day that’s just like you… really special!”

“Women are made to be loved, not understood.” – by Oscar Wilde

Happy Womens Day 2.
Happy Womens Day 2.
  • “Yes, I am a feminist, because I see all women as smart, gifted, and tough.” – by Zaha Hadid
  • “One is not born a woman, one becomes one.” – by Simone de Beauvoir
  • “A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty” – by Rudyard Kipling
  • “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” – by Roseanne Barr

“I love women. They’re the best thing ever created. If they want to be like men and come down to our level, that’s fine.” – by Mel Gibson

Happy Womens Day 3.
Happy Womens Day 3.
  • “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” – by Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Well behaved women rarely make history.” – by Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” – by Coco Chanel
  • “Remember the dignity of your womanhood. Do not appeal, do not beg, do not grovel. Take courage, join hands, stand beside us, fight with us” – by Christabel Pankhurst

Famous Quotes about Women’s Day

“A charming woman doesn’t follow the crowd. She is herself.” – by Loretta Young

Happy Womens Day 4.
Happy Womens Day 4.
  • “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – by Marie Curie
  • “A free race cannot be born of slave mothers. ” – by Margaret Sanger
  • “Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity” – by Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world” – by Lucille Ball

“Sending you wishes to say you illuminate the world around me! Happy Women’s Day!”

Quotes for Womens Day.
Quotes for Womens Day.
  • “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world” – by Hillary Rodham Clinton
  • “In too many instances, the march to globalization has also meant the marginalization of women and girls. And that must change.” – by Hillary Clinton
  • “Women are the real architects of society.” – by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • “I’d much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they’re the first to be rescued off sinking ships.” – by Gilda Radner

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men” – by Joseph Conrad

Happy Womens Day 5.
Happy Womens Day 5.
  • “God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I’ve ever met.” – by Farrah Fawcett
  • “Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” – by Ellen Degeneres
  • “A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water. ” – by Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “The trouble with some women is they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him.” – by Cher

Women’s day quotes for girlfriends

“The International Women’s Day means a day of the ceremonial of all 365 days, which only women own and influence since that leaves nothing, for the men.” – by Ehsan Sehgal

Womens Day Quotes.
Womens Day Quotes.
  • “The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.” – by Beyonce
  • “A woman that knows her worth doesn’t measure herself against another woman but stands strong, calmed and self confident.” – by Auliq Ice
  • “A lot of guys think the larger a woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent she is. I don’t think it works like that. I think it’s the opposite. I think the larger a woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent the men become.” – by Anita Wise
  • “There’s no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both sexes seem to be equally irrational.” – by Albert Ellis

“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” – by Audrey Hepburn

Famous Womens Day Quotes.
Famous Womens Day Quotes.
  • “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” – by Mother Teresa
  • “Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own.” – by Michelle Obama
  • “A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” – by Melinda Gates
  • “I think the key is for women not to set any limits” – by Martina Navratilova

“A woman in any form shall be celebrated and honored, be it, a sister or a wife or a mother or any other form.”

Happy Womens Day Quotes.
Happy Womens Day Quotes.
  • “Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.” – by Marilyn Monroe
  • “The history of all times and of today especially teaches that women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves.” – by Louise Otto
  • “I believe that it is as much a right and duty for women to do something with their lives as for men and we are not going to be satisfied with such frivolous parts as you give us.” – by Louisa May Alcott
  • “Find something you’re passionate about and stay tremendously interested in it.” – by Julia Child

“What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce.”

Meaningful Womens Day Quotes.
Meaningful Womens Day Quotes.
  • “Some people think having large breasts makes a woman stupid. Actually, it’s quite the opposite: a woman having large breasts makes men stupid.” – by Rita Rudner
  • “Women are beautiful, sophisticated, and complex creatures, but they do have dark secrets too.” – by Oscar Auliq-Ice
  • “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” – by Oprah Winfrey
  • “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – by Mother Teresa

What do you think about Women’s Day?

In our daily life, more often than not, we will forget how amazing all the mothers, sisters, and other women are.

Women’s Day quotes slowly us down to realize the power and influence of women in all aspects of life.

Our mothers, sisters, and wives are filling our lives with their love and sacrifice so much for our happiness.

Nowadays, women are not only known for taking care of their families, but they also contribute to the development of society. That is why we should all thank them and love them for the beauty and strength they bring to this world.

Along with flowers and gifts, you can use these women’s quotes to tell them how you appreciate what they are doing. These quotes are the sweet ingredients to add to a happy International Women’s Day.