80 Good Night Quotes For Her with Love Messages


Being a guy, you might find it extremely perplexing as to what you can do to make sparks fly in your relationship. And to solve your confusion, here we have got a list of the most romantic good night quotes for her. A sweet message by your side can surely enlighten your girl’s heart.

These quotes will surely help you do every possible thing to bring a smile to your lady love’s face. When it comes to sizzle up the romance in a relationship, mostly it is the lady who has the way with words. But these good night love quotes for her will help you prove that even men can be soft and extremely gentle with words.

Every girl dreams of her knight in shining armor, who will fight all the demons for her and make her nights beautiful. Read through these awesome good night quotes and share them with your woman. This romantic gesture is certainly going to fill up your relationship with love.

Keep reading: Romantic Good night quotes images to show her how much you care about her.

Best Good Night Quotes For Her

“Good night, my love. I hope you sleep well and have the best dreams. Love you so much! I can’t wait to see you in the morning.”

Good night quotes for her 1.
Good night quotes for her.

Nights become even more delightful when you are excited to meet your lover the next day. The pain of being away from her vanishes into thin air and excitement to see her starts ruling your heart.

It is a necessary job to have a good night’s sleep before meeting her as you both wouldn’t want to look dull in front of each other. This would be a great way to tell your girl how much you love her.

“Good Night, darling. Sleep well and may all your dreams be beautiful. Remember how much I love you. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

Romantic Good night quotes for her.
Romantic Good night quotes for her.

Love is a sweet emotion and beautifies the lives of all the people it struck. When you are deeply in love, all you want is for your sweetheart to have the finest in life.

You want her to know that you’re always available at their disposal. She means everything to you. You want to cherish as much time as you can with her. Even if you are away from each other, you eagerly wait for a new day when you can meet her.

Saying good night is the easiest way to let her know what she means to you.

“You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Good Night, my love, and pleasant dreams.”

Good night message for her.
Good night message for her.

Nights become fascinating when you’re in the company of people you love. You fall more and more in love when you see your girl sleeping peacefully. Her presence makes your life feel like bliss.

It is of utmost importance to convey your feelings to your girl. You might sometimes fall short of quotes when telling her how blessed you feel. These good night quotes for her are indeed a cupid in disguise for your relationship.

“It is so hard to be away from you. I miss you so much. I cannot wait to be home and see you again. Good Night. Sending hugs and kisses.”

Good night love quotes for her.
Good night love quotes for her.

In a bond full of love, even the greatest of distance can be bridged. The pain of separation gives us a reason to love harder. When you are away from someone, you understand their true value in your life.

Even if you’ve met just a few moments before, you cannot wait to see her again. No matter how much far you are from her, you can still make your girl smile with the help of these sweet dream quotes.

“My sweet lady, I presume your day has been as lovely as you are. Sleep and rest well, so you can wake up younger and energetic for the big day tomorrow. Good night.”

Good night love quotes for her with image.
Good night love quotes for her with image.

It is said that nights are the break you give to yourself so that you can come back with a bang the following day. Only people who truly care for you would take out a moment to wish you a wonderful sleep.

If you want your lover to know how much you care for her, then you must make use of these good night quotes for her. After all, a full day of hard work deserves a full-night rest.

“Thank you so much for the wonderful night we had. I hope you sleep well and have dreams as beautiful as you are.”

Good night message for her with image.
Good night message for her with image.

Your lady truly knows how to make you feel comfortable while you’re sleeping. She certainly deserves appreciation for being your mascot of happiness. She makes your days chirpier and your nights romantic.

Wishing a good night to your spouse can do wonders for your relationship. Along with a romantic message, you can add a compliment or two describing her beauty. This will surely make her feel special and loved.

“You are the woman of my dreams. I hope your dreams are as wonderful as mine. I love you so much. Sleep well, my darling.”

Good night dream for her.
Good night dream for her.

It is very well said that a dream is just a wish that your heart makes. When you are deeply in love with a woman, she is all that you think about. Seeing her in your dreams makes you feel incredibly excited.

Just like your dreams have become beautiful, you wish that your love has wonderful dreams as well. A sweet good night quote from you would go a long way in helping your lover visit the most beautiful dreamland.

Good Night Love Quotes for Her

Nights can be long and lonely when you are away from your lover, even if it is for a short time. If you are also facing such a situation, you must send these good night quotes for her.

  • “I long for the first night we will spend together. I hope you think about us as much as I do. Always keep in mind that I love you till the end of time. Sleep well, dear one.”
  • “Words cannot describe how much I love and adore you. We have had one of the best days of our lives and it is my prayer we will have such days for the rest of our lives. Goodnight, fair lady”
  • “Hello, sweetie. I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you all day. Have a wonderful night and pleasant dreams. I love you.”
  • “I had such a wonderful time with you tonight. You looked so beautiful, and I enjoyed our conversation over dinner. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams.”
  • “I am so sorry for having to work late tonight. I wish I could be with you. Sleep well my love and have sweet dreams.”
  • “I enjoyed our date tonight and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Wishing you a pleasant and restful sleep. Lovely dreams, my dear.”
  • “There are very few people I feel comfortable being around. You are one of them. We have so much in common. Thank you for everything and have a splendid night ahead.”
  • “I miss going to bed with you at night and waking up by your side. I can’t wait to get home and fall into your arms. Good Night, dear. Sleep well.”
  • “Hotel rooms are so lonely without you. Even a boring conference would be much better if you were here. I love you, darling. Good Night.”
  • “Good luck with your presentation tomorrow. You are beautiful, strong, and intelligent. Don’t be nervous. I know you will do great. Sleep well and have the best dreams.”

“Your beauty is more attractive than roses and your smile shines brighter than the moon and stars combined. I love you, now and forever. Goodnight.”

Sweet Good night love quotes for her
Sweet Good night love quotes for her.

The moons, the stars, and the roses are a few of the most gorgeous things that exist. They attract you and don’t let your attention wander off anywhere. Likewise, your lover is perhaps the prettiest woman who charms everyone just in one look.

You love her not just because of her outer beauty, but because of the beauty of her heart as well. This sweet good night love quote for her would make her feel a lot special and adored.

  • “You are so beautiful and smart. I just love being with you. Thinking about you is my number one skill. Sleep well and have lovely dreams.”
  • “I am so grateful for the time I have had with you. You are the best girlfriend ever. I love you. Sleep well and have wonderful dreams.”
  • “Closing my eyes at night has become so unbearable because I spend the whole day longing to see you and kiss your tender lips. Goodnight, princess.”
  • “Alone in my hotel room, I count myself lucky to have such a stunning wife who makes sure everything is in order. Sleep well, my love.”
  • “Goodnight, honey. It took me years to find my soulmate, and now that I have her, I am beyond grateful. Sending my love and kisses to you. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.”
  • “I am truly honored to be called yours. Before you close your eyes for a deep night’s rest, keep in mind that someone cares and cherishes you, more than you could ever imagine.”
  • “Queen of my heart, you are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing that crosses my mind when I sleep. Thank you for making me feel so special and lucky. Goodnight and dream me.”
  • “I thank God for creating a rare gem like you. Your love has brightened me up over the years and given me a sense of completeness. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my lover. Good night.”
  • “Sleeping beside you is an assurance of our love but waking up and still thinking about you is evidence that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, my angel.” – Romantic good night love quotes.
  • “The darkness at night can never overshadow my love for you and the brightness of the day is not strong enough to reveal how much I love you. Good night.”

Good Night Quotes for Girlfriends

“May the stars bring you closer to my love and may the moon show you how much you mean to me. Good night.”

Romantic Good night love quotes for Girlfriend.
Romantic Good night love quotes for Girlfriend.

The moon and the stars are the ornaments of the night sky. They dazzle up the world with their beautiful natural lighting. In the same way, your sweet girlfriend shines up your world just by being in it.

The moon and the stars would lead her to you and bring her closer to your love. It doesn’t matter how much distance comes between you both. You will always be under the same sky, looking at the same moon.

  • “Look up to the sky and see how the stars are dancing and showcasing my deepest love for you.”
  • “I am always happy when it’s night but am always happier when it’s time for me to sleep, because I know I will be spending my hours with you in my dream. Good night.”
  • “In the whole world, only you can compare to the sun, moon, and stars. You mean everything to me, and that’s why you are my worst ‘goodbye’. Goodnight. Keep confusing me with your charms.”
  • “As the darkness covers my body and the moon shines above me, so does your love and memories of us cloud my mind. There is only one thing greater than love, and it’s what I feel for you. Thank you for being mine. Goodnight.”
  • “My life is filled with your scent and positive energy. I wonder how senseless my existence would be if I had not met you. Good night, my angel.” – Sweet Good night quotes for girlfriend.
  • “My love, you came into my life and everything became new. Your love and sweet smile have been a motivation to me. I have concluded that my life will never be the same with you in it. I love you, Good night.”
  • “Look up to the sky and make your wish. More than anything, I pray that you remain happy for the rest of your life. Good night and keep in mind that I treasure what we have.”
  • “I have prepared something special for you in dreamland. As you close your eyes, think about me and you will meet me on the other side. Goodnight, sleeping beauty.”
  • “Knowing that you are mine gives me joy but knowing you will be mine forever is what gives me everlasting joy. I love you, Good night.”
  • “If only I could lock you up inside my heart, so you would understand the depth and heights of what I feel for you. You are the best thing that could happen to someone. Goodnight, love of my life.”

“Every night, I dream and fantasize about all the things we could do together. I can’t wait to spend forever with you. Good night my queen.”

Good night quotes for girlfriend.
Good night quotes for girlfriend.

When you are with someone whom you love a lot, you cannot take your eyes away from her beauty. But when you are away from each other, all you do is dream about her. You cannot stop wondering what would life be like if you were together.

You cannot possibly wait to spend all your life with her. Periods of sleep become much more peaceful in her presence. Wishing her a sweet good night is the least you could do to thank her.

  • “My night feels incomplete without you. You have filled my mind with positivity and sweet thoughts. For that, I love you unconditionally. Good night, my queen.”
  • “I love you with my whole heart and my whole existence. If I were to share my heart’s desires regarding us, we would spend the whole night discussing it. I want you to know, you mean so much to me. Good night, my girlfriend.”
  • “Love is one of the greatest blessings given to mankind. Not every man is capable to be loved. I am happy to be among the few to get to be loved. I wish you the very best tomorrow and a sweet night ahead.”
  • “I thank the skies for bringing you closer to me, in reality, and even in my dreams. I love you. Good night.”
  • “I may not be the best romantic in the world, the most well-versed writer or a master at expressing myself, but I do know that I love you fiercely and with the honesty of heart. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Have the sweetest dreams tonight.
  • “If truly there is life after death, I hope to be yours forever. One life is too short to prove my love for you. Good night.”
  • “I believe I must be a great man to have met such a sweet girl, whose beauty can’t be hidden even to the stars at night. Your realness is what keeps me going. I love You, my girlfriend.”
  • “So many people have come into my life, some with the right intention and others with bad intentions. But no one has ever given me such joy. I’m happy to have you. Good night.”
  • “My biggest fear is losing you. I don’t ever want to be separated from you. I hope the night grants my wishes. Good night, my queen.”
  • “All my life I have experienced happiness and none of it compares to the joy and happiness you bring me. Good night and keep smiling to make the world a better place.”

Romantic good night quotes for her from the heart

“I have gotten to love you and the thought of loving you more gives me joy. I love you more every night. Good night.”

Romantic good night quotes for her
Romantic good night quotes for her from the heart
  • “People often say love is fake but because of you, I have understood love from a different perspective. I love you, my amazing princess. Good night.”
  • “My hope for us is to be together forever and that our love keeps flourishing till the end of time. Good night.”
  • “The world may turn its back on you but believe me, even if the world says no, I will always say yes to you. My arms are wide open, ready for your embrace. Good night.”
  • “I am jealous of the night because it’s always there to guide and see you smile but I’m always happy to know I am the cause of your immersive happiness.” – Romantic love quotes.
  • “Every night, I sleep with you in mind. I thank God for you every day. Who knows where I would have ended up, had I not met you? Have a peaceful night and sweet dreams.
  • “More than anything else, I hate the fact that you are so far away from me. Fortunately, I have memories and photos to fuel my thoughts and keep me sane. Have a spectacular night, dear.”
  • “The moon is elated to the brim simply because it is going to watch you sleep all night long. I can’t help being envious. Thank you for everything and goodnight.”
  • “Look up and see how the stars sparkle in majesty. Even then, they still can’t beat the magic that happens in your eyes. I always think about you and say a prayer for you before sleeping. Have a fantastic night, babe.” – Romantic good night quotes for her.

“The night seems to be falling away but my love for you can never go away, my love. Good night.”

Romantic good night love quotes for her
Romantic good night love quotes for her.
  • “As each night comes and goes, I keep count of the days remaining to our grand wedding. I can’t wait to officially make you mine. Good night, my wife-to-be.”
  • “As the day comes to an end, your smile reflects on my mind through the moon just as a reminder of how celestial you are. My love for you grows by the day. Good night, love.”
  • “I wish the stars could bring you closer to my arms, so we could be together all night. Think about me tonight. Goodnight.
  • “Thinking about you has become my daily routine and now my night seems incomplete without you. If wishes were horses, I would ride them to you. Have a fabulous night, darling.”
  • “I end my stressful day by thinking about love. That’s how I manage to get rid of my stressful days. I love you with every ounce of me. Sleep tight, dearest.”
  • “I hope to spend the rest of my life with you, and to have you beside me, day and night. If I could have anything in the world, it would be an eternity with you. I treasure you every day. Goodnight and all the best in tomorrow’s endeavors.”
  • “Every night, I always pray for you before praying for myself because I know with you, all my dreams will be well achieved. With love, Goodnight.”
  • “Thinking about you and the good times we’ve had has not only been therapeutic but also a proper method of discarding anxiety and depression. You are my motivation and my light at the end of the tunnel. Good night, my therapist.”
  • “I bought bedsheets similar to your favorite color so that the feelings in your heart can be closer to mine. Cheers to our happily ever after story. Goodnight.”

What good night quotes do you like to send for her?

As soon as she will read these good night love quotes, she is surely going to feel a good cheer. Her lonesome nights would become beautiful if you would be the last person she’ll talk to before sleep engulfs her.

“Your shining smile has taken over my night and now I can smile in my dreams. I love you with everything I have. Goodnight, love of my life.”

Good night quotes you like to send for her.
Good night quotes you like to send for her.
  • “Whenever I think about you, I find myself smiling. I can testify that your love has taken a toll on me and jumbled every aspect of my life. Thank you for being the best distraction. Goodnight sweetheart.”
  • “I sleep with the hope that when I wake up in the morning, you will be in my Reality. My world would never be the same without you. Receive my warm goodnight wishes.”
  • “The thoughts of you have flooded my mind, making it hard for me to sleep. I find myself staring at the ceiling thinking about our future together. I hope you have an easier time sleeping, my love. Goodnight.
  • “You brighten my world with your love and fill my night with utmost magnificence; thanks to your ever-present smile in my mind. Saying ‘I love you’, is not even close to what I feel for you. Goodnight, my princess.”
  • “Sleeping right beside me is important but the hope that you will be with me until the end of time is what’s paramount. I hope your night is filled with love and splendor.”
  • “I’m jealous of the moon because it’s always there to see your sleeping face. I wish I could touch your sleepy, graceful face one day. Have the warmest dreams ever.”
  • “Behind my casual messages, are a myriad of feelings that are too complex to comprehend. I wish to have this bond for the rest of my life, regardless of the highs and lows. Even after all this time, you are the only person who completes my nights. I love and cherish you with every breath I have. Have some good night’s rest, my queen.”
  • “Without you, I could never have predicted how things would have turned out and what my life would have been like. I go about my daily activities with the hope that one day you will be my soulmate. The night is here, and I’m still filled with thoughts of you. It shows how much you truly mean to me. I love you to the moon and back. Sweet rest.”
  • “Can you see how the stars look at you? They are also in awe of your presence and your angelic smile. Your uniqueness and beauty can’t be hidden. I believe you are one of God’s favorites. I love you. Have a blessed night.
  • “My pillow has been my companion for the longest time. Since you are not here to shower me with your warm kisses, let me take the golden opportunity to send virtual hugs in advance. I love you. Good night.”
  • “Hey, pretty face. I hope today has been good for you. I have been thinking about you and how much impact you have on me. I will be lying next to you when you wake up. Goodnight.”
  • Good Night, sweetheart. I think about you all the time when you are away. I am very proud of you. I know you will do well tomorrow.”

Moreover, you will feel a lot happier after knowing that you are the last thought on her mind at the end of the day. And, if you are a lady looking for ways to charm your man’s nights, you must go through the amazing good night quotes for him. We have picked only the best out of all so that you and your partner can have a romantic moment together.