Funny relationship quotes to share with your partners


Love is like a roller coaster ride. You never know when you are going to face terror and when you’re going to get bouts of happiness. All you can do is feel the cool breeze and enjoy the ride. These funny relationship quotes are just the right thing for you if you are one such person who gets a hard time while making sparks fly.

These awesome funny quotes are specifically curated to lighten up the mood and make your relationship stronger and happier.

Laughter, joy, and warmth are as important in a relationship as romance is. And these quotes are just what you need to make your bond with your partner the most perfect and desirable one.

On top of it, they are out-and-out funny as well.

Top 10 Funny relationship quotes

  1. “My life is like a romantic comedy except there’s no romance and it’s just me laughing at my own jokes”
  2. “Relationships start with “can we talk?” and end in “we need to talk””
  3. “The key to a successful relationship is to clear your internet history.”
  4. “When your ex says: “you’ll never find anyone like me” replies with: “that’s the point.””
  5. “I love my relationship with my bed. No commitment needed. We just sleep together every night.”
  6. “The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.”
  7. “No, I am not single. I am in a long-distance relationship. Because my girlfriend lives in the future.”
  8. “Dear heart, please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood. That’s it.”
  9. “Being in a relationship is a full-time job, so don’t apply if you’re not ready.”
  10. “A relationship without trust is like a car without gas you can stay in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.”

“My life is like a romantic comedy except there’s no romance and it’s just me laughing at my own jokes.”

Funny relationship quotes 1.
Funny relationship quotes 1.

Ouch! That hit hard…This quote is surely going to irk all the single people and make everyone else burst out laughing. This one must have been written by a miserably single person.

For a sole person, life is like a romantic comedy sans romance. There is no one to laugh at your jokes, you are your own companion.

“Relationships start with “can we talk?” and end in “we need to talk.”

Funny relationship quotes 2.
Funny relationship quotes 2.

This relationship quote has a lot to say in very few words. At the onset of any relationship, one person starts the conversation with the words “Can we talk?” These words are symbolic that a new spark has been ignited.

On the other hand, towards the end of any relationship, one person starts the dreaded conversation with the words “We need to talk.”. These words are symbolic that the flame is now going out.

“The key to a successful relationship is to clear your internet history.” – So funny relationship quotes.

Funny relationship quotes 3.
Funny relationship quotes 3.

This funny love quote shows the cons of being in a relationship. People who have had been in trouble with their partners due to their internet history can surely connect to this phrase.

Whether you stalk your exes’ profiles, save your female celebrity crush’s pictures or browse through adult sites, you must clear the history. If not, your relationship status might change from committed to single soon!!!

“When your ex says: “you’ll never find anyone like me” reply with: “that’s the point.”

Funny relationship quotes 4.
Funny relationship quotes 4.

All the people who have had their hearts broken can surely take a note or two from this funny relationship quotes. This one is inch-perfect for the moment when your ex taunts you or tries to let you down.

Your answer is surely going to leave your ex shook to the core and for good. After all, they should know what a big loss they’ve incurred.

“I love my relationship with my bed. No commitment needed. We just sleep together every night.”

Funny relationship quotes 5.
Funny relationship quotes 5.

The best relationship in the world is one where there is no restriction, no compromise, and no commitment. And a person forms one such bond with his bed. You don’t need to commit to it, you don’t need to explain yourself.

It’s just you and your bed, and you sleep peacefully together every night. This relationship quote is so funny yet so true. This bond with your bed becomes even stronger and cozier during winters. You don’t feel like leaving it for even a second.

“The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.”

Funny relationship quotes 6.
Funny relationship quotes 6.

This funny relationship quote is not just hilarious but deeply meaningful as well. Nowadays, marriage has become so fragile, that one negative moment can ruin a lifetime of happiness.

Due to this very reason, anything that looks like a happily married life attracts speculations that something is fishy.

“No, I am not single. I am in a long-distance relationship. Because my girlfriend lives in the future.”

Funny relationship quotes 7.
Funny relationship quotes 7.

For all the despairingly low-spirited singles out there, this quote is the perfect one to uplift their mood.

If you know someone who is as optimistic and can relate to this quote, share this with them and watch them laugh their hearts out.

People who don’t get dejected even after being single and giggle away their plights are true heroes.

“Dear heart, please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood. That’s it.”

Funny relationship quotes 8.
Funny relationship quotes 8.

This funny relationship quote is hysteric as well as cute. Our hearts beat faster when we’re in the company of people we adore. Hearts are the symbol of love and admiration.

When you’re in love your heart starts to prioritize the one you love. They control all your thoughts. Although the sole job of the heart is to pump blood, it starts to interfere in matters of love too…

“Being in a relationship is a full-time job, so don’t apply if you’re not ready.”

Funny relationship quotes 9.
Funny relationship quotes 9.

Relationship demands all your loyalty, love, care, attention, and time. It’s like a 24/7 job that takes all your inputs and pays you back with a lover.

It’s not advisable to apply to this job until you are ready to give it all, because if you lose this job, you will lose much more than what you actually invested.

The pain of heartbreak is a strict no-no. A relationship involves two people and hence the pain becomes double too.

“A relationship without trust is like a car without gas you can stay in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.”

Funny relationship quotes 10.
Funny relationship quotes 10.

This quote beautifully describes the hard work that a relationship demands to run. Just like a car doesn’t work without its fuel, in the same way, a relationship can’t work without trust.

Yes, it might look like it’s working, but deep down the foundation would be cracked. You surely can stay in such a relationship, but you won’t be able to stay happy and thrive.

Funny relationship quotes for her and for him

A relationship needs love to nurture and a little bit of fun to break the monotony. These funny relationship quotes are the perfect combination of sweet and spicy that would surely keep the flame alive.

  • “When a girl says “do whatever you want”. Do not do whatever you want.”
  • “Face book should have a limit on how many times you can change your relationship status. After 3 it should default to “unstable”.”
  • “Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery.”
  • “Date someone who gives you the same feeling of when you see your food coming at a restaurant.”
  • “Everybody has a girlfriend and boyfriend, I’m just over here like “I love food””
  • “I just added another one to the “what the hell was I thinking” list.”
  • “A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl.”
  • “It’s funny how we fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.”
  • “There actually is an “end” in friendship.”
  • “The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you.”
  • “I’ll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it.”
  • “Being single is smarter than being in the wrong relationship.”
  • “”What is the difference?” I asked him. “between the love of your life, and your soul mate?””One is a choice, and one is not.””
  • “Relationships sink when they have too many passengers.”
  • “Remember when she cancels a date, she has to. but when he cancels a date, he has two.”
  • “What to do when you miss your ex? reload and shoot again.”
  • “In a relationship, one person is always right and the other person is male.”

Check out more Funny relationship quotes to relaxing and enjoy life

These quotes are little pearls of wisdom for anyone who wants to know more about all things romantic. These relationship quotes are a must for all the shy people out there. Trust these amazing messages to make any simple talk fiery and funny.

  • “If a girl argued with their boyfriend topless, they would win every time.”
  • “Do you know why a previous relationship is called ex? it’s not the term for the past. ex is short for expired.”
  • “Today’s relationships: you can touch each other, but not each other’s phones.”
  • “Everyone is in a relationship, getting married, or having babies. and I’m just over here like “I love cake!””
  • “A relationship lasts longer when Facebook doesn’t know about it.”
  • “Don’t bring baggage from an ex-relationship into your next relationship…unless you want it to be a short trip.”
  • “I’ve had two terrific relationships, but both ended in marriage.”
  • “A successful man is one who makes more money than this wife can spend. a successful woman is who can find such a man.”
  • “Relationships are like garage sales. From a distance, it looks like it could be interesting, but up close, it’s just a ton of shit you don’t need.”
  • “Men look at women’s behind and go: “Wow, what an ass”. Women look at man’s face and think the same!”
  • “If a man expects his woman to be an angel in his life, then he should first create a heaven for her.”
  • “If women could read minds, every second man will get slapped..”
  • “Love is like a virus. it can happen to anybody at any time.”
  • “Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet service to see who they really are.” – WILL FERRELL
  • “Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on x-rays, but you know it’s there.”
  • “Marry a man your own age; as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.”
  • “Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?”
  • “Love makes life so confusing, but without love, would you really want to live?”
  • “A man in love is not complete until he is married. Then he is finished.”
  • “At a touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.”
  • “A sweetheart is a bottle of wine; a wife is a wine bottle.”
  • “You want to be a part of my life, the door is always open. You want to leave my life, the door is open. But don’t stand at the door, you’re blocking the traffic”

Don’t forget to share these funny quotes about relationships with your partner or friends and watch them having the best laugh of the day!